


How social justice slideshows made by activists took over Instagram - Vox



Today we honor Juneteenth* with cautious hope. It is a necessary reminder of the continued battle for Black freedom that has been fought inch by inch, and is far from over. From the deliberate lies of the 13th amendment's existence and the "loophole" that has perpetuated slavery via mass incarceration, to the absurdity that there is a movement based on the"radical" notion that Black lives matter in this country and around the world, today is a solemn remembrance of the struggle and the resilience of Black people and the hard earned progress yet long journey ahead. We hope that for those outside of the Black community Juneteenth will bring deeper awareness, acceptance of wrongdoings, and the drive to dismantle all systems that oppress Black people due to white supremacy. #juneteenth . *Note: Slaveowners in Texas purposely kept the news of Black liberation from enslaved people, which is why the information didn't "reach" them for two and a half years. It was not until the Thirteenth Amendment that all enslaved people were supposedly freed nationwide. However slavery has been maintained through a loophole in the amendment that allows unpaid labor of prisoners.

Slow Factory ????(@theslowfactory)がシェアした投稿 -


グラフィックデザイナーであるEric Hu氏によると、Instagramのアルゴリズムは文字よりも写真を優先し、魅力的な人・旅行の写真といったコンテンツを優先的に扱うとのこと。Hu氏はこの傾向を踏まえ、美しい写真に文字をかぶせるという方法で投稿を行いました。カルーセルは「ユーザーにスライドをめくらせる」という点に課題があるため、Hu氏の投稿はスワイプの指示も「SWIPE→」とはっきりと示されています。


If you or anyone you know have heard the phrase “abolish the police” or “defund the police,” and have felt confused or even incredulous, here are a couple of questions that I think would be good for you to consider. Link to these images in my bio if you want to reshare. #8toabolition #blacklivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter #abolitioncantwait #defundthepolice Edit: slide 8 has an inaccuracy. Instead of budget, it should say spending - and, while it is about to be gutted to increase funds allocated to police, education should be omitted from the line items. Source: https://ny-curbed-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/ny.curbed.com/platform/amp/2020/6/5/21279214/nyc-defund-nypd-police-budget-affordable-housing-homelessness?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=15931278903479&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fny.curbed.com%2F2020%2F6%2F5%2F21279214%2Fnyc-defund-nypd-police-budget-affordable-housing-homelessness)

Eric Hu(@_erichu)がシェアした投稿 -



so you want to talk about...(@soyouwanttotalkabout) • Instagram写真と動画



CHNGE ™(@chnge) • Instagram写真と動画


社会学者のEve Ewing氏は、「このようなグラフィックは教育ツールとして有益ですが、『人種的正義を説明する人』の投稿が拡散されることで複雑な問題が有害かつ間違った方法で単純化されることがあります」「彼らは間違いに対して責任を持つ組織や人々に属さず、信頼を置けない活動家や学者です」と、問題点を指摘しました。


look I made a PSA thing after grumbling to @dumilm_ and @mairaka and other people. really excited that people are using social media and graphic design in exciting ways to educate and inform. but let’s keep our critical lenses with us as we would with any other media. who is the source? where are they getting their information? what are they about? what’s their track record? why are they a credible party to listen to on this issue? also, to keep it a buck, sometimes these slides take whole books that someone (usually Black) put blood sweat and tears and sacrifice into, that they labored over to make sure they expressed their ideas in JUST the right way to clear and informative, and sums it up into a pretty, shareable tic-tac without so much as saying their name. and that’s not cool. let’s make learning accessible, but let’s keep it accountable too.

Eve L. Ewing(@eve.ewing)がシェアした投稿 -

またジャーナリストのMark Stenberg氏は「InstagramのFacebook化」が起こっていると述べました。2016年のアメリカ大統領選挙ではFacebookが政治的な扇動の道具として利用されたことが問題となりましたが、2020年時点において、Instagramで同様の問題が発生しているとのこと。「どちらも政治的な激動の時代に存在し、ユーザーに対してプラットフォームで政治的なメッセージを発信するように促します。どちらも、あらゆる投稿をユーザーが投稿・シェアできるようにします」「そしてどちらもFacebookが所有しています」とStenberg氏。



Instagramを使って「おこづかい稼ぎ」をする10代の若者が増加中 - GIGAZINE

ただの卵の画像が3600万「いいね!」を獲得して大流行、一体何があったのか? - GIGAZINE

Instagramインフルエンサーは急激に力を失いつつある - GIGAZINE

FacebookやInstagram上に本格的なオンラインショップを開設可能な「Facebook Shops」が登場 - GIGAZINE

FacebookのInstagram買収は「競争相手の無力化」が目的だったことを示す文書が暴露される - GIGAZINE

人気ソーシャルメディアの若者のメンタルヘルスへの影響調査、最高なのはYouTubeで最悪なのはInstagram - GIGAZINE

in Posted by darkhorse_log

You can read the machine translated English article The number of “political message slide….