by Anthony Quintano
Twitter to remove 'like' tool in a bid to improve the quality of debate
Don’t Get Worked Up About Twitter Touching the Like Button Just Yet
We’re committing Twitter to help increase the collective health, openness, and civility of public conversation, and to hold ourselves publicly accountable towards progress.
— jack (@jack) 2018年3月1日
Twitterのジャック・ドーシーCEOは「Twitterをより健全な場所にするため率先して行動したい」と語る - GIGAZINE
For someone like myself, who has social anxiety & depression, the like button is often my only form of communication. The number of deleted replies I stack up every day is outrageous, and I rarely put my own tweets out there. This will do nothing for me except keep me more quiet.
— Krystal (@Arsenic82) 2018年10月29日
Eliminating the "like" button will absolutely, certainly, 100% make the troll problem here way worse. The most common interaction here is the "like," and it's friendly and affirming. In new Twitter, the most common interaction will be a hostile reply. Who the hell wants that?
— Max Kennerly (@MaxKennerly) 2018年10月29日
As we've been saying for a while, we are rethinking everything about the service to ensure we are incentivizing healthy conversation, that includes the like button. We are in the early stages of the work and have no plans to share right now.
— Twitter Comms (@TwitterComms) 2018年10月29日
Short story on "like." We've been open that we're considering it. Jack even mentioned it in front of the US Congress. There's no timeline. It's not happening "soon."
— Brandon Borrman (@bborrman) 2018年10月29日
Twitterが「ふぁぼ」廃止、ハートマークの「いいね」へ移行 - GIGAZINE
Twitterのジャック・ドーシーCEOは「Twitterをより健全な場所にするため率先して行動したい」と語る - GIGAZINE
Twitterを創業したジャック・ドーシーCEOがTwitterの未来を語る - GIGAZINE
TwitterがPC用サイトで新デザインのユーザーインターフェースをテスト中 - GIGAZINE
双子バーチャルYouTuberが「Twitterのツイート拡散機能」を妹だけに導入してその効果を比較してみたムービー - GIGAZINE
Twitterがタイムライン表示変更への批判に応えてユーザーで表示方法を制御できる新機能を開発中 - GIGAZINE
Twitterが新しい利用ポリシーを公開、非人道的な発言はアカウント停止の対象か - GIGAZINE
in ネットサービス, Posted by log1i_yk
You can read the machine translated English article Twitter is considering deleting 'Like' f….