Twitter is considering deleting 'Like' features or to bring a healthier conversation to the platform

by Anthony Quintano

Telegraph reports that Twitter is considering abolishing the "Like" feature. The reason for abolishing the function is "to make conversations and discussions on Twitter healthier", but some users have expressed opposition.

Twitter to remove 'like' tool in a bid to improve the quality of debate

Do not Get Worked Up About Twitter Touching the Like Button Just Yet

According to Telegraph, Twitter co-founder and CEO Jacques Dorsey said in a Twitter event, "I do not like heart-shaped buttons very much" "(Heart-shaped buttons will be removed soon)" I told you.

In August 2018, Mr. Dorse also said, "We are redesigning the display of the number of followers and" Like "buttons for the Washington Post interview. For some time Mr. Dorsey made remarks and tweets that emphasize "the soundness of public conversation".

In September 2018, Mr. Dorse attended the House Energy Commerce Committee and at a hearing titled "Twitter: Transparency and Accountability", the goal of Twitter is to increase the integrity of the published conversation "I am speaking.

Twitter's Jack Dorsey said "I want to take the initiative to make Twitter a healthier place" - GIGAZINE

The "Like" feature appeared as a system to replace the "Favorite" star icon in 2015, because "It is hard to understand people new to Twitter". However, some psychological studies that "Like" buttons on SNS such as Twitter and Facebook promote addiction to the platform, some pointed out that the "Like" function may impair the soundness of the conversation .

A negative voice has come out from some users against the deletion of the "Like" feature. Some users say that "I like the" Like "button is the only means of communication for me, because myself seldom murmurs", says some users have a "Like" feature .

In addition, there was also pointed out that when the action to tweet becomes only retweet and reply, it is said that the problem of vandalism of the net worsens, not only the debate is made healthy.

To Telegraph's coverage, Twitter says, "We are rethinking everything involved in the service to encourage healthy conversation.It is still in the early stages of work and we are planning to share that details right now There is no ambiguity that it does not clearly deny, although it does not admit the content.

Also, Brandon Boerman, Vice President of Twitter's Global Communications Division, says, "We have revealed that we will rethink our services to encourage healthy conversation, even Jack is in front of the US Congress So I made no specific action plan and I will not reconsider the service soon. "

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk