


look I know a lot of people make fun of tumblr for supposedly being badly coded but I just tried to make a post and it turns out the E and W keys just stopped working. the ones on my keyboard. I can't type them, but only in tumblr. pic.twitter.com/K3rQj5mLsc

— foone (@Foone)


oh wait, L and period also.
commas are fine. just no periods.

— foone (@Foone)


I didn't think it was possible but it just got weirder
it turns out pressing keys doesn't work
holding them down does pic.twitter.com/sexFRCPYWN

— foone (@Foone)


I think what happened is I clicked New Image Post then started typing too fast and it fucked up the javascript that's supposed to temporarily disable those hotkeys to let you Type Human Words

— foone (@Foone)

Tumblrの開発に関わるJavi A.氏はfoone氏の指摘を認め、「おそらくテキストエディタがロード中にタイムラインの更新を処理する何かと競合し、キーの割り当てがおかしくなったのでしょう」と述べ、既に問題は修正済みであると述べました。

Ding ding ding. Bingo. You probably hit something that triggered a refresh of the timeline while the editor was still loading and it messed the key bindings. Race conditions are a hell of a drug
The fix is deployed already

— Javi A. (@JohnHackworth)


成人コンテンツを禁止したTumblrのガバガバ過ぎるAIがポルノ画像と判定してしまった健全な画像まとめ - GIGAZINE

Tumblrがアダルトコンテンツの禁止を発表 - GIGAZINE

世界最大のポルノサイトが成年向けコンテンツを禁止したTumblrを買収したがっている - GIGAZINE

ブログサービスのTumblrがWordPressの親会社に買収される - GIGAZINE

in ネットサービス, Posted by log1i_yk

You can read the machine translated English article here.