Twitter turns off threaded replies because they made conversations hard to read - The Verge
hey Twitter. we've been playing with some rough features to make it feel more conversational here. presence and reply threading. still early and iterating on these ideas. thoughts?
— sara beykpour (@pandemona) August 31, 2018
Twitter continues working on Conversation Tree
— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) November 26, 2019
now with the ability to focus a specific tweet, even from a permalink
Your feedback shapes Twitter.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) December 3, 2020
We asked and you let us know this reply layout wasn’t it, as it was harder to read and join conversations. So we’ve turned off this format to work on other ways to improve conversations on Twitter.
Some learnings:
— Twitter Comms (@TwitterComms) December 3, 2020
*the new look made convos harder to read & join – we’re exploring other ways to make this easier.
*you want more context about who you're talking to – we're working to add this.
*you want more control – we’re iterating on our convo settings.
さらに、公式プロトタイプアプリのtwttrも終了します。Twitterの広報担当者はIT系メディアのThe Vergeに対して「新製品をテストするための将来的なプランを、twttrから次のステップに進める時です」と語りました。
We appreciate the feedback you gave us through this run of our prototype app twttr. For now we’re turning it off so we can work on new tests to improve the conversation experience on Twitter.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) December 3, 2020
If you’re using twttr, switch to the main Twitter app to keep up with what’s happening.
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幸福度を下げずにFacebookやTwitterを使うにはどうすればいいのか? - GIGAZINE
in ネットサービス, Posted by log1i_yk