Everything that's broken on Twitter right now, from video plays to follower counts | Mashable
A lot of videos on this site now randomly freeze but audio keeps playing or the audio cuts out halfway through And I Think That's Beautiful.
— Josh Sawyer (@jesawyer) December 27, 2022
elon please make videos play normally on here again i can't keep living like this i just wanna be able to watch a full edit before it pauses on a clip but keeps playing the audio or reaches a certain part of the edit then starts back over
— molly (@jenIindIeys) January 7, 2023
dear twitter, please fix all of the videos on your platform. they keep stopping and restarting part way through or continuing but with the audio cutting off. and when i exit out of a video, it keeps playing and it won't stop. okay thanks
— jenn ⭑ (@portiaIain) December 29, 2022
dear twitter, please fix all of the videos on your platform. they keep stopping and restarting part way through or continuing but with the audio cutting off. and when i exit out of a video, it keeps playing and it won't stop. okay thanks
— jenn ⭑ (@portiaIain) December 29, 2022
「Twitterさんバグを発見しました。音量をオンにして動画を再生しながら動画にいいねした場合、動画がミュートになります。私はAndroid(Pixel 6)を使用していますが、これが恐らく関係しています」
Found a bug @Twitter. If you like a video while you're watching it with volume on, it mutes the video. Android (pixel 6) is probably relevant.
— [email protected] (@codegrouse) January 9, 2023
Another weird Twitter bug I have, watch a video with audio... Like it and it mutes the audio... Removing the like does the same
— Jermaine | Concept Creator (@CConceptCreator) January 12, 2023
「Twitterサポートさん、自分の端末だけかどうかはわかりませんが、音声付きの動画をフルスクリーンで再生している時にいいねすると、音声がミュートになりながらも動画が再生され続けるという問題が生じます。使用している端末はAndroid 13を搭載したSamsungのGalaxy S22です」
@TwitterSupport not sure if it's only my device, but there's an issue where if I'm playing a video full screen with audio & I click the ❤ audio goes mute and video keeps playing.
— Arturo Mariscal (@arturo_gdl_mx) January 8, 2023
Android 13 Samsung s22
— nim (@sup_nim) January 9, 2023
cute lil bug alert:
editing a tweet w/ a video turns it into a picture.
cc. @Twitter @elonmusk
Are they ever going to fix the thing where edited tweets keep bumping to the top of the feed
— Centrist ????Madness (@CentristMadness) January 12, 2023
Twitter bugs are ruining the best thing the app has going, live sports. Just the same 10min old tweets and edited tweets getting cycled to the top of the feed
— Bendy (@bendertm) January 7, 2023
Twitter bugs are ruining the best thing the app has going, live sports. Just the same 10min old tweets and edited tweets getting cycled to the top of the feed
— Bendy (@bendertm) January 7, 2023
This is what I mean when I say @ replies aren’t showing up in the mentions tab. It’s like they don’t even exist unless I click a post. This has been happening for at least 2 months when I first noticed a decline in responses.
— iJustine (@ijustine) January 12, 2023
Twitter ????: every time I attempt to follow @domnguyen5653 he gets a new non-existing follower
— David ▲ (@dgut_) January 11, 2023
The way Twitter allows you to view deleted tweets/tweets from people who blocked you if you click fast enough is insane
— V (@yuutvak) January 11, 2023
サードパーティ製Twitterアプリで認証エラーが発生中、タイムラインが更新されない不具合 - GIGAZINE
Twitterの従業員数がイーロン・マスクの買収後7500人から2700人に激減、今後は積極採用を行い目指すは「日本のような利用状況」 - GIGAZINE
Twitterの買収を完了したイーロン・マスクがCEOに就任、テスラから集められた50人以上のエンジニアがTwitterのコードレビューに加わる - GIGAZINE
Twitterで大規模障害発生、「タイムラインが真っ白」「通知が消滅」などを確認 - GIGAZINE
in ネットサービス, 動画, Posted by logu_ii
You can read the machine translated English article Numerous bugs have been reported in Twit….