Hackers steal $29 million from crypto-platform Cream Finance - The Record by Recorded Future
C.R.E.A.M. v1 market on Ethereum has suffered an exploit, resulting in a loss of 418,311,571 in AMP and 1,308.09 in ETH, by way of reentrancy on the AMP token contract.
— Cream Finance ???? (@CreamdotFinance) August 30, 2021
We have stopped the exploit by pausing supply and borrow on AMP. No other markets were affected.
分散型金融プラットフォームのハッキング被害というと、直近では2021年8月10日に「Poly Network」から総額680億円超の仮想通貨が盗まれた事例があります。このとき、ハッカーは「お金にはあまり興味がない」と盗んだ仮想通貨を順次返還。最終的には全額が返還されました。
セキュリティ企業・PeckShieldによると、今回の「Cream」の事例はDeFiの機能を通じたごく短期的な融資である「フラッシュローン」を利用したリエントラント攻撃だったとのこと。2016年に発生した投資ファンド「The DAO」から約52億円が盗み出された事件でも用いられた既知の手口です。
1/4 @CreamFinance was exploited in (one hack tx: https://t.co/JPW7e368qd), leading to the gain of ~$18.8M for the hacker.
— PeckShield Inc. (@peckshield) August 30, 2021
2/4 The hack is made possible due to a reentrancy bug introduced by $AMP, which is an ERC777-like token and exploited to re-borrow assets during its transfer before updating the first borrow. pic.twitter.com/oVg0w1FWFt
— PeckShield Inc. (@peckshield) August 30, 2021
3/4 Specifically, in the example tx, the hacker makes a flashloan of 500 ETH and deposit the funds as collateral. Then the hacker borrows 19M $AMP and makes use of the reentrancy bug to re-borrow 355 ETH inside $AMP token transfer(). Then the hacker self-liquidates the borrow. pic.twitter.com/ryVX2RoxhJ
— PeckShield Inc. (@peckshield) August 30, 2021
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in セキュリティ, Posted by logc_nt
You can read the machine translated English article Hackers steal 3 billion yen worth of vir….