YouTube hides dislike count in new test - CNET
YouTube is testing hiding dislikes on some creators’ videos - The Verge
???????? In response to creator feedback around well-being and targeted dislike campaigns, we're testing a few new designs that don't show the public dislike count. If you're part of this small experiment, you might spot one of these designs in the coming weeks (example below!).
— YouTube (@YouTube) March 30, 2021
また、この機能はあくまで低評価数を「非表示にする」ものであるため、内部的には低評価数はカウントされています。カウントされた低評価数は、自身のYouTubeチャンネルの管理・分析・投稿したムービーの編集などを統合したYouTube Studioからチェック可能とのこと。
Creators, you'll still be able to see the exact number of likes and dislikes in YouTube Studio. For viewers, if you're in the experiment, you can still like or dislike a video to share feedback with creators and help tune the recommendations you see on YouTube.
— YouTube (@YouTube) March 30, 2021
What about content that is objectively bad and harmful to people? Like scams etc?
— Jacksepticeye (@Jack_Septic_Eye) March 30, 2021
YouTubeのAIがチェスの「白・黒」を人種差別だと誤判定してチャンネルを閉鎖した疑い - GIGAZINE
YouTubeの動画から5秒~60秒のショートクリップをすぐ作れる機能のテストがスタート - GIGAZINE
YouTubeは3兆円以上を直近3年でクリエイターに還元した - GIGAZINE
in ネットサービス, Posted by darkhorse_log
You can read the machine translated English article YouTube is testing the ability to 'hide ….