SimCity・Cities Skylines・Transport Tycoon・A列車・Soviet Republicの都市開発シミュレーション5作品は何が違うのか?
都市開発シミュレーションは、学校・警察・消防・病院などの公共サービスや発電所・鉄道・空港などのインフラなどを設置することで、都市を発展させるというゲームジャンルです。都市開発シミュレーションの中でも特に著名な「SimCityシリーズ」「Cities Skylines」「Transport Tycoon」「A列車で行こうシリーズ」「Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic」という5作品について、ブロガーのAlfred Twuさんが比較を行っています。
Alfred Twuさん (@alfred_twu) / Twitter
Been doing some gaming on the holidays. There's a lot of differences between different city building games, and it reflects the places where they're designed. Here's a thread on SimCity, Cities Skylines, Transport Tycoon, A-Train, and Soviet Republic. 1/
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
それぞれのゲームは、大別すれば「Player role(プレイヤーの役割)」「Player builds the following things(プレイヤーが建てられる施設の種類)」「Zoning(ゾーニング:住宅地域・工業地域などの地域区分)」「Vehicle routes(移動経路)」などが異なります。例えばSimCityはプレイヤーは「Government(政府)」という立場で、「Roads(道路)」「Rails(線路)」「Public buildings(公共施設)」などは自分の手で建設できますが、「Individual homes and businesses(個別の住宅・職場施設)」は建設不可。ゾーニングはできますが、移動経路の設定はできません。
Different city building games have both different player roles, as well as differences over what you have control over. While all of them let you build roads and rails, there are differences when it comes to zoning, as well as whether players can build homes & businesses. 2/
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
都市開発シミュレーションというゲームジャンルを切り開いたのはSimCityシリーズとされています。SimCityシリーズは、1989年にコモドール64、アミーガ、マッキントッシュ、IBM PCなどのハードで発売された初代「SimCity」以降、「SimCity 2000」や「SimCity 3000」、「SimCity 4」などのナンバリングタイトルが発売されてきましたが、2013年の「SimCity(2013)」を最後に新作は登場していません。シリーズを経るごとにグラフィックは進化しましたが、ゲームシステム自体は大きく変わらないというのもSimCityシリーズの特徴の1つです。
SimCity is one of the older ones. The first version came out in 1989, the most recent one in 2013. Surprisingly the game mechanics have not changed much over a quarter century - the game still does not have mixed use zoning or buildings.
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
one of the tensions in SimCity is that most players want to build a big downtown with lots of buildings, but the car-centered transportation model makes it hard. So when it comes to parking lots, the game designer "just imagine they are underground."
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
駐車場の謎に正面から取り組んでいるのが、Soviet Republicです。Soviet Republicで開発できる都市はSimCityシリーズに比べてコンパクトな規模ですが、住民に車を使わせたい場合には駐車場を建設する必要があるというのが特徴。
in contrast, in the Slovakian game "Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic", parking lots are realistically sized and something the player has to build if they decide to let people own personal cars.
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
一方、「SimCityの後継」とも呼ばれるCities Skylinesは、SimCityに比べて交通機関に力点を置いた作品。Cities Skylinesの開発元であるColossal Orderは、鉄道・路面電車・バス・水上バス・ヘリコプターなどの公共交通機関の整備と経営をメインに据えた「Cities in Motion」を処女作としており、公共交通機関に関する同社の関心が特に高いことを伺わせます。
While Cities Skylines has a lot in common with SimCity, it has more focus on transportation. The company that made it, @ColossalOrder in Finland, got its start with the game Cities in Motion, which involved building transit systems in existing cities.
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
以上のSimCityシリーズ・Soviet Republic・Cities Skylinesはいずれも「プレイヤーは地方自治体という立場」な点では共通です。一方、日本のA列車で行こうシリーズは、プレイヤーが「鉄道会社兼不動産会社という立場」な点が特徴。
While in SimCity and Cities Skylines the player is a local government, in the Japanese A-Train games (now up to A-Train 9) the player is a combined real estate & railroad company, which is how many real life Japanese railroads operate.
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
In the A-Train games, the game AI will build businesses and housing on its own, but the player can also build, buy, and sell buildings. Building material production and distribution is part of the game.
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
Transport Tycoonもプレイヤーが輸送会社の社長であるという点は、A列車で行こうシリーズに近いといえます。しかし、Transport Tycoonには「ライバル会社」が登場するという他の都市開発シミュレーションには見られない特徴があり、自社の輸送効率が悪い場合にはライバル企業に屈して売上が下がってしまうので、輸送施設の敷設だけでなく、効率化も並行して行う必要があります。
While most city builders are single player games, in Transport Tycoon (now also available as OpenTTD), the player is one of many competing companies. This game was designed in the UK in the early 1990s, right around the time the railways were privatised.
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
Lots of differences in the economy and budget in different city building games. Though it's Californian to the point of having Nuclear Free Zone ordinances, SimCity allows players to set tax property tax rates above 1%. (probably because it would be unplayable otherwise) ????????????
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
SimCity 4では、低所得者には低い税率を、高所得者には高い税率を課すといった「所得層に応じて税率を変更できる」というシステムが実装されており、特に高い税率を課すことで、特定の所得層を街から一掃することも可能です。これは、ニュージャージー州ニューアークやミシシッピ州エドワーズなどが特に割高な固定資産税を課すことで、アフリカ系アメリカ人などの低所得層を追い出そうとしたことがあるという歴史的経緯に由来します。
SimCity 4 has even more options with property taxes (but only property taxes), allowing different rates based on income. By setting an income bracket's rate high enough, players can exclude entire income brackets. (which is similar to a real thing some US cities have tried to do)
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
Cities Skylinesでは、住宅密度に応じて異なる固定資産税を課すことが可能。
Cities Skylines also has a budget based on property taxes, though in contrast to SimCity, where players can set different rates based on resident income, in Cities Skylines different rates are allowed based on density.
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
一方、Transport TycoonとA列車で行こうシリーズは、プレイヤーが輸送会社という民間企業の立ち位置なので、税収とは無縁。Transport Tycoonでは、プレイヤーの資金源は輸送による営業利益のみで、税金なる概念は存在しません。
In both Transport Tycoon and A-Train, the player is a private company. In Transport Tycoon all income is from transportation, based on distance and speed. There are no taxes. ????
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
In contrast, in A-Train, the player makes money from train fares, as well as businesses and real estate. They also have to pay taxes (which were 50% of profits in the early versions of the game, reflecting Japan's very high corporate income tax before changes made in the 1990s)
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
Soviet Republicではプレイヤーは「社会主義国家の指導者」という立場なので、税金や個人資産などはなく、人民の衣服からテレビの電波に至るまで提供するのはプレイヤー次第。資金は国内産業だけでなく、他国との貿易によっても得ることができます。
In the game Workers & Resources Soviet Republic, since businesses are government run, two economic models are possible: create vertical supply chains in-house, or earn money to buy stuff by making stuff to export to the USSR or the West at a border crossing at the edge of the map
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
Looking at the different types of city builders, what other types are possible? The obvious missing one is the "state capitalism" model (China or Dubai) where the player is the government and builds transportation but also some homes & businesses.
— Alfred Twu (@alfred_twu) January 4, 2021
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in ゲーム, Posted by darkhorse_log
You can read the machine translated English article What is the difference between SimCity, ….