by gwaar
Twitterユーザーのdave meslinさんが、Amazonで購入した商品が正しく配送されなかったという体験談をツイートしています。meslinさんは、なんと連続で5回も誤配送の被害にあったとのことです。
「3週間前、私はAmazon.caでThe Packaging Wholesalersからダンボール箱を注文しました。注文したのは縦6インチ×幅9インチ×高さ6インチ(縦15.24cm×幅22.86cm×高さ15.24cm)のダンボール箱25個セットです」
1. Three weeks ago, I ordered a box of boxes from @PkgWholesalers, via @amazonca. Specifically, I ordered a package of 25 boxes, each 6x9x6:
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
2. When the delivery arrived at my door, it was a box of Chocolate Sea Salt Granola packets.
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
3. I was frustrated, but mistakes happen. So I went onto @amazonca and saw that I could send the package back, for free! I clicked on the "wrong item shipped" button, and asked them to re-ship the correct item.
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
4. A few days later, another box of granola arrived.
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
5. I shipped it back, cancelled the order and asked for a refund. Then I re-ordered the item, starting afresh. I figured it was a one-off glitch, and a new order would be fine. .... right?
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
6. Two days later, I got a box delivered to my house with - I kid you not - a package of Harry Potter coasters.
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
7. I returned the item and, for reasons I can't fathom, instead of asking for a refund I again asked @amazonca to send me the correct order. Yesterday, I got another box of granola.
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
8. Today I figured out the problem. The granola company and the coaster company buy THEIR boxes from the same people I'm trying to by mine from. And the barcode scanners at @amazonca are picking up the old sticker - from the box company!
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
9. So each time I was getting the wrong order, I was also getting ONE correct box. So now I'm thinking I should just order 25 packages of 25 boxes, ship the sea salt granola back to @amazonca in plastic bags - and just keep all the boxes. For free.
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 7, 2020
10. UPDATE: So, after my thread was posted, I got a nice message from @AmazonHelp, asking me to contact their support team. Following a 40 minute online chat, I was told: "You had been delivered wrong items because there was some error but now you will get the proper items."
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 9, 2020
「私は正直に『エラーは修正されたんですか?最初の3回は修正されなかったので、私は懐疑的です』と回答したのですが、Amazon.caからは『あなたは正しい商品を入手できます。もうあなたにとって面倒はありません。心配しないでください』という回答が返ってきました。そこで、再びThe Packaging Wholesalersからダンボール箱を注文したところ……」
11. I responded, with honesty: "The error has been fixed? It wasn't fixed the first three times.. so I'm skeptical!" @amazonca responded: "You will get the correct item. I do not want any more hassles for you. Please do not worry. " So I re-ordered the @PkgWholesalers boxes...
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 9, 2020
12. Today, another box arrived.
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 9, 2020
「今、私は合計で12袋のグラノーラと、4つのハリーポッターのコースターを受け取りました。私はダンボール箱の販売会社であるThe Packaging Wholesalersにも連絡を取りましたが、正しく取り扱ってもらうことはできませんでした。私はMike Laytonさんのアドバイス通り、店舗へ行ってダンボール箱を購入したいと思っています」
13. I've now received a total of 12 bags of granola + 4 Harry Potter coasters. I've reached out to @PkgWholesalers, but they brushed me off. I think I'm gonna take @m_layton's advice and just go to a damn store. You know, a physical place, with things in it. Things you can see.
— dave meslin (@meslin) February 9, 2020
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in ネットサービス, Posted by logu_ii
You can read the machine translated English article A person who misdelivered a product diff….