Justin Sun-Owned Exchange Poloniex Hacked for At Least $126 Million - Decrypt
Justin Sun offers 5% deal to $120M Poloniex crypto-robbers • The Register
Crypto Exchange Poloniex Loses $125M in Hack - Unchained Crypto
The estimated loss of @Poloniex hack is ~$125m, mainly on three chains: $56m (ETH), $48m (TRX), $18m (BTC).
— PeckShield Inc. (@peckshield) November 10, 2023
Also an interesting tx to look into: https://t.co/2RzpoGkb7e https://t.co/tNKR8zkIzY https://t.co/vWYgyYb78U pic.twitter.com/cXZ32mXCNn
Our wallet has been disabled for maintenance. We will update this thread once the wallet has been re-enabled.
— Poloniex Customer Support (@PoloSupport) November 10, 2023
We are currently investigating the Poloniex hack incident. Poloniex maintains a healthy financial position and will fully reimburse the affected funds. Additionally, we are exploring opportunities for collaboration with other exchanges to facilitate the recovery of these funds.
— H.E. Justin Sun 孙宇晨 (@justinsuntron) November 10, 2023
We are offering a 5% white hat bounty to the Poloniex hacker. Please return the funds to the following ETH/TRX/BTC wallets. We will give you 7 days to consider this offer before we engage law enforcement.
— H.E. Justin Sun 孙宇晨 (@justinsuntron) November 10, 2023
ETH Wallet: 0x176F3DAb24a159341c0509bB36B833E7fdd0a132 TRX:…
The Poloniex team has successfully identified and frozen a portion of the assets associated with the hacker's addresses. At present, the losses are within manageable limits, and Poloniex's operating revenue can cover these losses.
— H.E. Justin Sun 孙宇晨 (@justinsuntron) November 10, 2023
Additionally, the team have restored Poloniex's systems, preserved relevant evidence, and in the coming days, we will work diligently to gradually resume deposits and withdrawals on Poloniex, ensuring 100% security. Apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
— H.E. Justin Sun 孙宇晨 (@justinsuntron) November 10, 2023
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in セキュリティ, Posted by log1r_ut
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