Virtual currency worth 19 billion yen is stolen from the virtual currency exchange Poloniex

On November 10, 2023, the cryptocurrency exchange

Poloniex was hacked and cryptocurrency assets worth approximately $125 million (approximately 19 billion yen) were stolen, according to blockchain security company PeckShield . It became clear.

Justin Sun-Owned Exchange Poloniex Hacked for At Least $126 Million - Decrypt

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Crypto Exchange Poloniex Loses $125M in Hack - Unchained Crypto

PeckSield points out that a hot wallet was leaked in a large-scale cyberattack against Poloniex on November 10, 2023. Hot wallets are a method of storing virtual currency while connected to the internet, and are generally considered to be less secure from hacking than cold wallets, which are stored offline.

The cyber attack against Poloniex was carried out in three separate attacks, resulting in approximately $56 million (approximately 8.5 billion yen) in Ethereum , $48 million (approximately 7.2 billion yen) inTron , and $18 million (approximately 7.2 billion yen) in Bitcoin . Approximately 2.7 billion yen) worth of virtual currency was leaked. The total amount of stolen virtual currency is approximately over 125 million dollars (approximately 19 billion yen).

PeckSield and security firm Cybers immediately notified Poloniex when they detected signs of a cyber attack. Immediately, Poloniex disabled the cryptocurrency wallet for the reason of ``maintenance''.

While Poloniex has not made an official statement regarding the hacking damage at the time of writing, Justin Sun, an IT entrepreneur who acquired Poloniex in 2019, said, ``We are conducting an investigation into the hacking of Poloniex.Poloniex will make a full repayment of the damaged virtual currency.We plan to work with other virtual currency exchanges to proceed with the recovery of funds.'

In addition, Mr. Sun appealed to the hacker who carried out the cyber attack, ``If you return the stolen virtual currency to the designated virtual currency wallet, we will provide you with a 5% reward in return.''

Later, on November 11, 2023, Mr. Sun said, ``We successfully identified and frozen some of the virtual currency assets associated with the address of the hacker who carried out the attack. This is within the range that can be fully covered by revenue.'

In addition, Sun added, ``We have successfully restored Poloniex's system and preserved evidence related to the cyber attack. We will gradually restart Poloniex's operations over the next few days. From now on, we will ensure 100% security.'' We will take measures to prevent this. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.'

Cybersecurity expert Dominic Alvieri points out, ``This cyber attack may be the same as the technique used by ``Brunorov,'' a subgroup of the North Korean government-backed hacker group ``Lazarus.'' .

in Security, Posted by log1r_ut