
We believe that cause-based advertising can facilitate public conversation around important topics. Today, we're relaxing our ads policy for cause-based ads in the US. We also plan to expand the political advertising we permit in the coming weeks.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 3, 2023

A political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet. Paying for reach removes that decision, forcing highly optimized and targeted political messages on people. We believe this decision should not be compromised by money.
— jack (@jack) October 30, 2019
We believe that cause-based advertising can facilitate public conversation around important topics. Today, we're relaxing our ads policy for cause-based ads in the US. We also plan to expand the political advertising we permit in the coming weeks.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 3, 2023
Moving forward, we will align our advertising policy with that of TV and other media outlets. As with all policy changes, we will first ensure that our approach to reviewing and approving content protects people on Twitter. We'll share more details as this work progresses.
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) January 3, 2023
Twitterが「政治的な広告の全面禁止」を発表 - GIGAZINE
Twitterのユーザーの力でファクトチェックを行う「コミュニティノート」機能は全体の96%にあたる約3万件のノートが表示されないままになっている - GIGAZINE
明らかにおかしい政治的広告をYouTubeは全てブロックしたがTikTokは90%掲載してしまったことが抜き打ちチェックで判明 - GIGAZINE
Facebookが「政治広告の可視化を図る研究ツール」を削除するよう研究者に要求 - GIGAZINE
Facebookは禁止したはずの「政治関連のグループをオススメ表示」をいまだに続けているという指摘 - GIGAZINE
in ネットサービス, Posted by log1o_hf
You can read the machine translated English article Twitter announces expansion of 'poli….