FPS草創期の傑作「Duke Nukem 3D」には鏡の中の世界が存在する
地球を侵略するエイリアンに対して警察や軍隊が全く歯が立たない中、ムキムキマッチョ&タンクトップで金髪刈り上げな主人公がたった一人で立ち向かって美女を救い出すというストーリーのFPSが「Duke Nukem 3D」です。同じくFPS草創期の傑作「DOOM」「Wolfenstein」などのシリアスなストーリーのゲームに比べて、B級ハリウッド映画のようなコメディ色の強い展開や「ストリッパーにチップを払える」などのマップギミックの豊富さなどが高い評価を受けて「バカゲー系FPS」の草分け的存在になったといわれる本作ですが、そんな本作に登場する「鏡の中の世界」の不思議な実装について、Twitterユーザーのfoone氏が解説しています。
Did you ever notice that the theater in level 1 of Duke Nukem 3D has a big hallway off the lobby, and when you go through there, it's a bathroom? Just the one.
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
It's a doorless unisex public bathroom with urinals. Weird. pic.twitter.com/6Eu6HNCxwr
BTW I'm certain the real reason they put a bathroom in this level was this stupidly huge mirror.
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
This is a huge flex from the engine: look at us, we can do fucking MIRRORS pic.twitter.com/G3D4UIeTQH
you can even see ENEMIES in the mirror! pic.twitter.com/CN2NWGYHsb
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
you can shoot them with a gun, and they will get bullet holes, and then if you hit them with an explosive (even one that hasn't exploded yet...), it STOPS BEING A MIRROR pic.twitter.com/Q2x9WxNWP3
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
here's the best part: if you use a noclip code, you can walk through them. pic.twitter.com/YyRcjqtKES
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
it gets SLIGHTLY weird and broken pic.twitter.com/Cdfq8KtnCQ
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
また、鏡の中の世界を一定以上進行すると強制死亡します。この強制死亡は、絶対に死なないようにするチートコードの「God Mode」でも避けられないとのこと。
fun fact: You can explore around in the mirror dimension but if you go to far, you will die.
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
even with God Mode active. pic.twitter.com/hwqCC6JKH3
foone氏が行っているのは、この現象の背景に存在する「鏡の処理」についての解説です。問題の鏡はマップエディターの3Dモードで見ると以下のように、「Sector Effector」と呼ばれる特殊なスプライトが貼り付けられているという構造とのこと。
then if we switch into 3D mode, you can see that it's got something weird going on with it. That "S" is a special effect called a Sector Effector pic.twitter.com/wRLWgTRcbP
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
and if you zoom out, it turns out there's a HUGE room back there. pic.twitter.com/ph0hIWw89b
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
foone氏によると、「Duke Nukem 3D」に使われているBuildエンジンでは、ステージのロード時に鏡の反対側の部屋にジオメトリをコピーするという処理になっているとのこと。「遠くに行きすぎると死ぬ」という現象は、鏡の中として設定された部屋の領域外にまで歩を進めてしまったことが原因というわけです。
BECAUSE it turns out that yes, the BUILD engine can build a reflection for you, but it does it at load time.
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
When the level is loaded, it finds the mirrors and copies that geometry into the room on the other side of the mirror
SO here's the next question:
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
it won't work if the mirror-room is too small, right?
what exactly will happen?
so it turns out that the answer is... the mirror just doesn't work, unless you're inside the area of the room on the other side of the mirror. Basically the mirror-geometry is only defined for that size of a space. pic.twitter.com/2g3ZxS2eqd
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
you can see here that it's working fine, then you back up too much and it breaks, then it starts working again when you get closer pic.twitter.com/2mD8q8FVFs
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
This sort of thing was honestly my favorite part of FPSes in the 90s: Getting a game, then getting hold of the level editors and finding how much of it was just a big hack
— foone (@Foone) March 19, 2021
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in 動画, ゲーム, Posted by darkhorse_log
You can read the machine translated English article The world in the mirror exists in the ma….