
資源採集、アイテム探索、戦闘など、世界を舞台になんでも自由なことができるサンドボックスゲーム「テラリア」の開発を主導したアンドリュー・スピンクス氏が、15年以上にわたり利用してきて、ビジネスとも密接に結びついたGoogleアカウントが使えない状態になっていることを明らかにしました。Googleの対応に大きな不満があるスピンクス氏は、Google Stadia版テラリアの開発キャンセルを表明しています。
@Google my account has now been disabled for over 3 weeks. I still have no idea why, and after using every resource I have to get this resolved you have done nothing but given me the runaround.
— Andrew Spinks (@Demilogic) February 8, 2021
これにより、Google Playで購入した多数のゲームにアクセスできないのはもちろん、Googleドライブのデータは全消滅、YouTubeチャンネルにもアクセス不可能で、15年以上使ってきたというGmailのアドレスにもアクセスできない状態だそうです。
My phone has lost access to thousands of dollars of apps on @GooglePlay. I had just bought LOTR 4K and can't finish it. My @googledrive data is completely gone. I can't access my @YouTube channel. The worst of all is losing access to my @gmail address of over 15 years.
— Andrew Spinks (@Demilogic) February 8, 2021
この措置についてスピンクス氏は「Googleがこの橋を燃やすことを決めたとしか思えない」と述べ、Google Stadia版テラリアの開発キャンセルと、Android版テラリアのサポート中止を表明。
I absolutely have not done anything to violate your terms of service, so I can take this no other way than you deciding to burn this bridge. Consider it burned. #Terraria for @GoogleStadia is canceled. My company will no longer support any of your platforms moving forward.
— Andrew Spinks (@Demilogic) February 8, 2021
I will not be involved with a corporation that values their customers and partners so little. Doing business with you is a liability.
— Andrew Spinks (@Demilogic) February 8, 2021
We have not added anything new to our only YT channel (RelogicGames) in several months. However, we randomly received an email saying there was a tos violation but that it was likely accidental and as such, the account would receive no strikes.
— Terraria Official (@Terraria_Logic) January 26, 2021
Three days later, the entire Google account (YT, Gmail, all Google apps, even every purchase made over 15 years on Google Play Store) was disabled with no warning or recourse. This account links into many business functions and as such the impact to us is quite substantial.
— Terraria Official (@Terraria_Logic) January 26, 2021
Thanks for the details – we checked the channel, and it still shows active. Can you still access the email that's linked to the YouTube account? We'll wait to hear from you so we can point you in the right direction.
— TeamYouTube (@TeamYouTube) January 26, 2021
The youtube account does appear to be still active, as you say but we can no longer access it. The gmail account is the one which was closed as a result, and which we are unable to access.
— Terraria Official (@Terraria_Logic) January 27, 2021
Have you tried recovering it with these steps: https://t.co/95MLSFJwM7? It's best to use a known browser/device that's normally used to sign in. More tips here: https://t.co/HkydTyj58z. Share screenshots of any errors you see, but make sure to block out any personal info.
— TeamYouTube (@TeamYouTube) January 27, 2021
この件についてニュースサイト・PCMagは、テラリアがAndroidのほかiOS、PS4、Xbox One、Nintendo Switchでもリリースされていることから、Re-LogicよりもGoogleにとっての損失になるのではないかと推測。Google Stadiaも、保証されたヒット作を失ったと表現しました。ただし、Google Stadiaを巡ってはGoogleが社内のStadia向けゲーム開発部門を閉鎖しており、テラリアがあろうがなかろうが大勢に影響はないという見方も示しています。
Googleは一切の猶予なしにAndroidアプリの開発者アカウントを停止しているとして不満が噴出 - GIGAZINE
会社内のGoogleアカウントがまとめてBANされ大混乱に、原因は「冗談」 - GIGAZINE
Googleが「2年間アクティブでないアカウントのデータを削除する」と発表、削除は早ければ2023年6月から - GIGAZINE
in ネットサービス, ゲーム, Posted by logc_nt
You can read the machine translated English article 'Terraria' developer cancels Stadia vers….