
Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield shares updated business metrics during tweetstorm on impact of COVID-19 | The Official Slack Blog
Quick introductory note: I’m a human. I worry about my family and am deeply concerned about the millions whose jobs and health are at risk. But I’m also a CEO and these tweets are about work: the company, money, markets, customers, earnings, guidance, etc. With that in mind …
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
3月2日(月):アメリカで報告された新型コロナウイルス感染症の症例は100件未満ですが、先は見えない状況です。先週末に、東京と大阪のオフィスを閉鎖し、出張に制限を設け、800人が集まる毎年恒例のSales Global Offsiteイベントをキャンセルしました。
I get an email from the CTO of one of the world's biggest asset managers telling me (a) they’re signing the contract to go wall-to-wall on Slack and (b) this was one of the last big purchases before tightening up due to coronavirus concerns. First time I'd seen that in the wild.
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
Tuesday: Announced “optional WFH” at all other offices globally. A few other companies had also started or were considering starting WFH programs amid growing uncertainty. We noticed upticks in new teams signing up for Slack, especially in Japan, Korea and Italy.
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
Wednesday: Things speed up. We launch a set of resources for teams that are faced with the prospect of a sudden shift to remote work, began offering free 1:1 live consultations and created new webinar programs in response to growing demand. (See: https://t.co/IpKo0KU3Jf)
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
Wednesday: Things speed up. We launch a set of resources for teams that are faced with the prospect of a sudden shift to remote work, began offering free 1:1 live consultations and created new webinar programs in response to growing demand. (See: https://t.co/IpKo0KU3Jf)
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
That evening policy discussions intensified. Reported cases in the US up to 200. News was getting worse. The exec team debated what global office closures would look like, backchanneled to other leaders, and began preliminary planning. All this seems a different universe now.
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
Friday: Made the call. “Strongly encouraged” all employees to work from home. Planning intensified. There was a LOT of work to do. By the time we communicated to employees on Sat afternoon, there were 400 cases in the US. (I wrote about this time here: https://t.co/qsrol2xsB4)
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
3月9日(月):経済指標のS&P 500が7%下落し、株式市場が開いてから6分後に取引が停止しました。市場にはサーキットブレーカーが組み込まれていることを誰もが知ることになりました。恐怖指数とも呼ばれるVIX指標が2008年10月以来の値になっています。突如として、マクロ経済環境は目まいがするほど不確実になりました。
We regroup, revise the script and adjust guidance as the CEO/CFO/IR/Comms crew heads to NYC. Driver from the airport tells me business is down by half, he’s behind on rent and his brother just got laid off from his hotel job, along with 50% of the staff. Darkening clouds.
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
Tuesday: More signs of demand surge. 1,597 days after hitting 1M *simultaneously connected* users in Oct ‘15 (see https://t.co/G6DeO1W08a) we pass ten million. 6 days later: 10.5M, then 11.0M. Next day, 11.5M. This Monday, 12M. Today 12.5M. ???? pic.twitter.com/GPaKF3VgOr
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
株式市場は朝から反発していますが、ノイズも多くあります。新しく創設されたワークチームの勢いと進捗を測定する社内指標「Returning team」は、2020年3月10日頃までに、イタリアで120%以上、日本で34%、韓国で33%増加していました。
Markets bounce back that morning, but there’s a lot of noise. In Italy, new “returning teams” (important internal metric) were up more than 120%. Japan & Korea, already way up, increased another 34% & 33% W-o-W respectively. At the same time, more layoffs and businesses closing.
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
Quick drink/snack with friends on the way home ends up being my last time in a restaurant. Then, all at once, it got *real* in America: Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson diagnosed, NBA suspends season, Trump announces travel ban. Futures trading halted on limit down https://t.co/3uHWlTUP3g
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
Just after 10pm, the CFO, GC & VP IR and I are discussing. Inside of an hour we go from “the last 24 hours of activity does not warrant any further conservatism” to “we need to adjust guidance one more time.” In the next 24 hours we would be asked about this dozens of times.
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
The whole company was energized and moving fast. All hands on deck as existing customers accelerated rollout plans and new team creation continued to increase. But we could tell anxieties were also increasing. Leaders across the company stepped up internal communication. I wrote: pic.twitter.com/RBhv1eklnJ
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
When the possibility of millions of deaths is slowly starting to sink in, it’s hard to say an otherwise normal CEO thing like “the macro environment is creating significant tailwinds for the business” and it felt completely impossible to extrapolate out from this present moment.
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
At the other end of the spectrum it was:
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
???? Early signs of a surge in teams created and new paid customers unlike anything we had ever seen.
Weighed against:
✋ We had 110,000 customers. In the worst case scenarios many thousands of those would go out of business.
The adrenaline we ran on for the first two weeks of everyone working from home is starting to wear off. It still feels great to be able to help and for us, right now, locked inside, work is an opportunity to genuinely help. But, also: we’re locked inside. People are more scared. pic.twitter.com/mbEq1PJziG
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
And if you’re on the frontlines fighting COVID-19, we will do anything we can. Use it for free, ask us for advice. Email covid@slack.com. We are profoundly grateful for all you are doing. ????❤️????
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart) March 26, 2020
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in メモ, Posted by log1l_ks
You can read the machine translated English article What is the pandemic seen by the CEO of ….