
Unveiled today, the B-21 Raider will be a dual-capable, penetrating-strike stealth bomber capable of delivering both conventional and nuclear munitions. The B-21 will form the backbone of the future Air Force bomber force consisting of B-21s and B-52s.(U.S. Air Force photo) pic.twitter.com/X6KSU7sy6U
— U.S. Air Force (@usairforce) December 3, 2022
The photo of the U.S. Air Force's new stealth aircraft is on the left, taken at night, with stars in the background.
— John McElhone (@johnmcelhone8) December 8, 2022
We can use them to find the exact location of the jet
(thread) https://t.co/aJo9kIPv2l
2. https://t.co/igzvTqodvl will let us upload a star photo and draw out matching constellations. Also gives us a bunch of star chart files we can use later pic.twitter.com/y10toCGhdK
— John McElhone (@johnmcelhone8) December 8, 2022
続いて、アメリカ空軍が公開している画像の掲載ページから、写真の撮影日などのメタデータを取得します。このデータは記事作成時点では書き換えられていますが、当初はミスによってそのまま公開されており、Internet ArchiveのWayback Machineを使って発掘することが可能でした。
3. On the source website of the image, we have some metadata like the date taken. It's been scrubbed since it was posted, probably after realizing their mistake, but I used Waybackmachine to grab the date of the original (right) pic.twitter.com/Mk00mi49Jy
— John McElhone (@johnmcelhone8) December 8, 2022
6. We're going to assume the location is somewhere within the US, so we can plot a 34-degree latitude line across the country. There are a bunch of USAF bases across the country, but not many intersect the line pic.twitter.com/xQxt26pDRQ
— John McElhone (@johnmcelhone8) December 8, 2022
エドワーズ空軍基地にはノースロップ・グラマンの開発施設があまりありませんが、基地から30マイル(約48km)南にあるパームデール・リージョナル空港にはノースロップ・グラマンの開発拠点があります。Google Mapsで見ると、そこにはB-2の機影が映っていました。
7. Northrop Grumman doesn't have many development facilities at Edwards, but they do 30 miles south at Palmdale Regional Airport. The same place they developed the B-2 aircraft. One is visible from Google Maps view pic.twitter.com/8oZvehnfTY
— John McElhone (@johnmcelhone8) December 8, 2022
8. The development facility is pretty small here, so it's not too difficult to find the exact hanger, matching the photo with the additional building to the right and tent behind pic.twitter.com/pUhQSvMyuH
— John McElhone (@johnmcelhone8) December 8, 2022
10. So now we know the image is of Northrop Grumman's B-21, taken at approximately 1:30am on November 29th 2022 at Air Force Plant 42 (34.6399, -118.0744)
— John McElhone (@johnmcelhone8) December 8, 2022
(this data is all public now)
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in ネットサービス, 乗り物, Posted by log1l_ks
You can read the machine translated English article The position where the photograph of the….