
Twitter Supportさん (@TwitterSupport) / Twitter
Twitter says passwords were spared in yesterday’s attack, but it’s still working to restore locked accounts - The Verge
Appleやイーロン・マスクなどTwitterの企業・有名人アカウントが一斉にハッキングされる - GIGAZINE

We have no evidence that attackers accessed passwords. Currently, we don’t believe resetting your password is necessary.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 16, 2020
Out of an abundance of caution, and as part of our incident response yesterday to protect people’s security, we took the step to lock any accounts that had attempted to change the account’s password during the past 30 days.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 16, 2020
If your account was locked, this does not necessarily mean we have evidence that the account was compromised or accessed. So far, we believe only a small subset of these locked accounts were compromised, but are still investigating and will inform those who were affected.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 16, 2020
We're working to help people regain access to their accounts ASAP if they were proactively locked. This may take additional time since we’re taking extra steps to confirm that we’re granting access to the rightful owner.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 16, 2020
We detected what we believe to be a coordinated social engineering attack by people who successfully targeted some of our employees with access to internal systems and tools.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 16, 2020
3200万件分のTwitterアカウント情報(ユーザー名・パスワード・メールアドレス)が売買されていることが明らかに - GIGAZINE
Twitterから大量削除された中国・ロシア・トルコのアカウントの傾向を分析した結果わかったこととは? - GIGAZINE
Twitterのジャック・ドーシーCEOのTwitterアカウントがハッキングされる - GIGAZINE
TwitterやFacebookのアカウントがハッキングされた際にとるべき対処法とハッキングされないための簡単な予防法 - GIGAZINE
Twitterの大量流出したパスワードに自分のものが含まれているかどうか一発でわかる「WIWA TWIPASS」 - GIGAZINE
in ネットサービス, Posted by darkhorse_log
You can read the machine translated English article Official announcement that there is no e….