Winston Churchill’s Image Removed in UK/US Search Results - Google 検索 Community
Google explains why Churchill's Search card lacks image - 9to5Google
ところが、Shirgar氏は「uk prime ministers」という単語を入れてイギリスの歴代首相を検索した際に、ウィンストン・チャーチルだけ写真が表示されないことを発見し、Googleのコミュニティに報告しました。Shirgar氏が示した画像はコレで、チャーチル以外はみんな写真が表示されています。
この不具合は検索ワードを「uk prime ministers」ではなく「british prime ministers」に変更すると解消されたとのこと。
We’ve now resolved the issue that was preventing the picture of Sir Winston Churchill from being updated to appear in his knowledge panel and Knowledge Graph-related lists. Again, this was not purposeful. Our apologies for the concerns caused. pic.twitter.com/qoH2tEWhhq
— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) June 14, 2020
At the end of April, we received feedback that the image of Churchill automatically selected by our systems wasn’t representative of him. The systems had selected a picture of a younger Winston Churchill (shown below), while he’s more famously & iconically pictured when older... pic.twitter.com/eqEirPH6TV
— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) June 14, 2020
Following our procedures, human reviewers processed the feedback, determined the image wasn’t most representative of Churchill & we blocked the unrepresentative image to allow the systems to automatically select a different one, according to our policies: https://t.co/HEdzcHKGbw pic.twitter.com/pCIQ6f6EEr
— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) June 14, 2020
Normally, the image would update quickly. In this case, a bug in our systems prevented a new representative image from updating. As a result, Churchill’s entry lacked an image from late April until this weekend, when the issue was brought to our attention & resolved soon after...
— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) June 14, 2020
We apologise again for concerns caused by this issue with Sir Winston Churchill’s Knowledge Graph image. We will be working to address the underlying cause to avoid this type of issue in the future.
— Google SearchLiaison (@searchliaison) June 14, 2020
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in ネットサービス, Posted by logc_nt
You can read the machine translated English article The picture is not displayed in the Goog….