The picture is not displayed in the Google search result of 'Winston Churchill', the cause is that the picture when young was omitted

When I searched for 'Winston Churchill,' the British Prime Minister at the time of World War II, on Google, there was a problem that no pictures were displayed in the knowledge panel. According to Google, this bug was caused by Churchill's elimination of his younger photos from the results.

Winston Churchill's Image Removed in UK/US Search Results-Google Search Community

Google explains why Churchill's Search card lacks image-9to5Google

When you search Google, information called ' Knowledge Panel ' may be displayed in addition to the search results. It's automatically generated so that people who search for it can get the information without having to visit different sites individually.

For example, if you search for ' Winston Churchill, ' photos and biographies will be displayed in the upper right of the search results.

However, when Shirgar searched for successive British prime ministers with the word 'uk prime ministers', he found that only Winston Churchill did not display the photo and reported it to the Google community. The image shown by Shirgar is Kore, and all the photos except Churchill are displayed.

This bug was fixed by changing the search word to 'british prime ministers' instead of 'uk prime ministers.'

When Google received a report and conducted a survey, although Churchill's picture can be normally found by Google search and Google image search, it may be hidden in the knowledge panel etc. generated based on the knowledge graph which is the knowledge base understood.

The problem was triggered by the Churchill picture that the Knowledge Panel initially displayed. Churchill's appearance to many people has been around since the age of the Prime Minister, as shown in the tweet below.

However, the photos of Churchill displayed in the Knowledge Panel around April 2020 were as young as the following. The user who saw this photo pointed out that 'this is not a typical Churchill photo', and Google decided to manually block the photo when it was young.

Normally, even if the image in the Knowledge Panel is deleted, it is updated immediately and a new one is displayed, but in the case of Churchill, replacement does not occur easily, and since the correspondence at the end of April, the image is not displayed. It was said that the condition was continuing.

Google apologized for this matter and commented that it will address the root cause to prevent similar problems.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt