



Pokémon GO for the Sega Dreamcast VMU! Coming 2017, because I'm lazy and it's going to take forever to draw all those damn Pokémon. Randomly generated map grid in place of GPS functionality and timing based mini game to throw Pokéballs. You can download my other games Flappy Bird VMU and Street Race VMU on my Instagram now! #Sega #Dreamcast #segadreamcast #VMU #visualmemoryunit #Pokémon #pokemongo #nintendo #portablegaming #retrocollective #pixel #pixelart #weedle #pokeball #pokestop #catchemall

guacasaurus_mexさん(@guacasaurus_mex)が投稿した写真 -

@guacasaurus_mexさんは過去にもドリームキャストのVMU用ゲームを自作しており、あのFlappy Birdも再現しています。

Wow! Thanks to everyone for the interest in Flappy Bird VMU! For those with SD card adapters an SD iso for use with Dreamshell can be found in the link below. Just download and copy to SD card, open Dreamshell, load the iso and navigate to 'Open CD' once Speud's VMU Tool loads. For those without Dreamcast SD card adapters i'm exploring other options. Upload high scores using #flappybirdvmu Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kv61ke9ny4r9ts5/VMU%20Tool%20with%20Flappy%20Bird%20SDISO.iso?dl=0 #sega #dreamcast #vmu #visualmemoryunit #flappybird #portablegaming #pixelart #indiedev #retrocollective #retrogaming #dreamshell #sdiso #vmutool

guacasaurus_mexさん(@guacasaurus_mex)が投稿した写真 -

実際にVMUの液晶上でFlappy Birdをプレイしている様子も公開しています。

Flappy Bird for the Sega Dreamcast VMU! Video 1 of 2. Will be posting a download link here in the next day or so, just trying to reduce the file size a bit (56 blocks currently). #sega #dreamcast #vmu #visualmemoryunit #portablegaming #indiedev #pixelart #retrocollective #retrocollection #flappybird #flappybirdvmu

guacasaurus_mexさん(@guacasaurus_mex)が投稿した動画 -


Latest project - Manic Monkeys VMU. Catch the bananas in the basket and aim for a high score! Video coming soon. #sega #dreamcast #segadreamcast #VMU #VMS #visualmemory #indiedev #portablegaming

guacasaurus_mexさん(@guacasaurus_mex)が投稿した写真 -




VMU Wonders - YouTube


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in 動画,   ゲーム, Posted by logu_ii

You can read the machine translated English article Play "Pokemon GO" in a real dreamcast vi….