What are the '10 simple ways' to protect your mental health from the stress and anxiety that strikes you?

There are various stress factors in the world, such as the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and the rise in living costs due to the rise in food and gasoline prices. Science writer
Stressed about'cost of living crisis'? 10 simple ways to ease anxiety and depression | Live Science
◆ 01: Go out of the house
'Going outdoors' seems to be very effective in dealing with stress and negative thoughts, and a 2015 study confirmed that walking outside the house for 90 minutes reduces negative repetitive thinking patterns. It has been. In addition, research results have been reported that 'spend about 10 minutes a day in nature may improve mental status', and spending outdoors improves attention and working memory performance. There is also a research result that makes it.
◆ 02: Move your body
Exercise can be a hassle when you're feeling down, but there are many mental aspects to exercising, such as 'reducing the symptoms of depression,' 'relieving anxiety,' and 'improving self-esteem.' We know that there are benefits in . In a 2007 study , people with depression were assigned to groups such as 'taking antidepressants,' 'exercising in groups,' 'exercising at home,' and 'administering placebo,' and depression 16 weeks later. We investigated the percentage of people who had alleviated their symptoms. As a result, not only 47% of people who took antidepressants improved their symptoms, but 45% of those who did group exercise and 40% of those who exercised at home also improved their symptoms. ..
◆ 03: Meditate
Some studies have shown evidence that meditation has a positive effect on mental health. For example, a 2020 study confirmed that meditation activates brain networks related to emotional control, and a 2017 study found that it reduces blood pressure and the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol . .. On the other hand, there are cases where meditation is unpleasant, and there are research results that meditation exacerbated depression and anxiety in about 8% of people, so if you feel that it does not suit you, stop obediently. Should be, Papas said.

◆ 04: Connect with other people
Solitude is associated with a variety of health problems, from depressive symptoms to sleep deprivation and weakened immunity, according to a 2019 (PDF file) study conducted in the United States before the COVID-19 pandemic, about 61. Solitude and isolation are major problems in modern society, as we know that% of Americans felt lonely. As a countermeasure against such loneliness and isolation, in the 2013 study , groups and interventions that support people to have social connections are effective, leading to the building of social skills and breaking down negative thoughts. Was shown.
◆ 05: Eliminate the habit of keeping watching bad news
It has been confirmed that people tend to 'actively search for news that indicates deterioration of social conditions when they feel negative', and continuing to watch SNS and bulletin boards on smartphones deteriorates mental health. May lead to. A 2021 study points out that high FOMO can lead to overuse of smartphones in young people, leading to depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. I did.
Kathryn Buchanan and colleagues from the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex, UK, who specialize in research on social media and negative moods, 'focus on other users' personal matters rather than the latest news' and 'get a sense of well-being.' We encourage you to be happy with SNS by keeping in mind the points such as 'find content that can be used' and 'post positively and kindly'.
What is the 'how to use SNS happily' recommended by scientists? --GIGAZINE

◆ 06: Hug with someone
Physical contact with others, such as hugs, relieves loneliness and helps relieve stress. According to a 2020 study , people living in a society with little physical contact feel less 'ignored by someone' than those who do not interact with others, even if the back of their hands is lightly touched. Turned out to report. A 2021 study also found that people who were deprived of physical contact with their families and lovers by a pandemic were more likely to complain of anxiety and depression.
◆ 07: List what you are grateful for
I find it difficult to find bright hopes when I'm feeling depressed, but in a 2003 (PDF file) study , people who continued the habit of 'writing down what they thanked for the week in a notebook' for three weeks He reported feeling more positive compared to those who continued the habit of writing out negative and neutral events. Similar effects have been confirmed in various studies conducted after that, and it is known that the habit of 'writing out gratitude and consciously re-recognizing gratitude' leads to improvement of mental health. Has been done.
What is science-backed 'gratitude training' that improves mental health in just 15 minutes a day? --GIGAZINE

◆ 08: Take a deep breath
When exposed to stress, humans fight, escape, or react , preparing for danger by increasing heart rate, breathing faster, and opening pupils. While these reactions are useful in times of physical crisis, such as fighting wildlife or falling off a cliff, these reactions are due to the fact that much of the stress in modern society is mental rather than physical danger. Is simply exhausting the mind and body. On the other hand, it is said that deep breathing can stimulate the parasympathetic nerves to reduce anxiety, and 'yoga breathing' that repeats deep breathing and fast breathing can alleviate depressive symptoms .
◆ 09: Sleep well
Depression and anxiety are closely related to sleep disorders, and while sleep deprivation increases the likelihood of sleep deprivation if you cannot stop thinking or have anxiety in your brain, negative emotions such as anxiety and anger . We also know that it can make things worse. Therefore, it is effective to try to sleep well to stabilize your mind.
What are the four ways to get a good night's sleep? --GIGAZINE

◆ 10: Manage your health
People with chronic health problems are more likely to have depression than healthy people, and a study by the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, USA, found that one-third of people with chronic illness have depression. I know I was experiencing it. In people with both these chronic and mental illnesses, treatment of the chronic illness can affect the symptoms of the mental illness, so the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States has treated the symptoms of depression into medical care for the chronic illness. We encourage you to share it with your workers.
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in Science, Posted by log1h_ik