What are the '5 points' for pets and their owners to be healthy and happy together?

Not only do adorable pets make their owners happy, but walking and caring for them also provides moderate exercise and supports the owner's health. However, the relationship between humans and pets is not one-sided but two-way, and owners should also support the happiness and health of their pets.
Five ways to get healthier (and happier) with your pet

◆1: Rest and relaxation
Playing with dogs is known to reduce stress and distress in humans, and studies have shown that having a dog in physical proximity while performing a demanding task can lower blood pressure and heart rate. Thus, just as pets provide comfort and security to their owners, owners can provide a safe haven and playmate for their pets.
However, if owners and pets interact too intensely and closely, the pet may become too attached to the owner, leading to increased aggression and fear, or separation anxiety disorder . In addition, some pets do not like excessive contact with humans, so excessive contact can be stressful for them.
Some pet owners prefer to sleep with their pets, but sleeping with a pet can lead to sleep disorders and injuries, as well as the risk of transmitting zoonotic diseases. On the other hand, sleeping with a pet can provide a sense of security, and in some cases the pet itself prefers to sleep near its owner, so depending on the relationship between the pet and the owner, there may be mutual benefits.
◆2: Building good relationships
A good relationship between owner and pet is important for the wellbeing of both, and owners need to recognise that they are responsible for their pet's welfare and happiness.
When training pets, it is better to choose methods that help build a positive relationship with the owner, and research shows that an approach that rewards success rather than punishes failure is best for the animal's welfare and skill acquisition. Pets and owners who have a good relationship are often seen in service dogs and therapy pets, and interaction with therapy pets has been shown to help reduce boredom and depression in patients.
◆3: Make friends
Taking your pet for a walk increases the chances of conversation with neighbors and provides an opportunity to bond with other pet owners. Pets therefore help build relationships and a sense of community , making pet owners less likely to experience loneliness and social isolation than non-pet owners.

4. Healthy Eating
In recent years, the average waistline of pets has become increasingly larger, and
Boyd argues that encouraging pet owners to provide healthier meals for their pets could encourage pet owners to eat healthier meals themselves. 'A combination of improved diet and regular exercise could help reduce the waist size of pets and humans to a healthy size,' he said.
◆5: Walking for health
Regular exercise is associated with many health benefits for both humans and pets. For dog owners in particular, walking is an easy and cost-effective way to improve their health. For example, people who regularly walk their dogs have lower rates of obesity than non-dog owners or people who do not walk their dogs.
Boyd points out that people don't walk their pets because they're lazy or don't have the time, but also because of safety concerns and the trouble of having to deal with pet feces. Therefore, it may be possible to increase the number of pet owners who walk their pets by creating an environment where pets can be walked safely.

'Ultimately, living with a pet should be a win-win, healthy and happy relationship,' Boyd said. 'Following these five guidelines should help both you and your pet find comfort and serenity in each other, while maintaining a healthy weight and outlook for the future.'
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