Does owning a dog have health benefits for its owner?

It is widely known that having a dog is good for your health, and some people have reported that they have started taking their dog for walks and have become more cheerful.

Tania Signal , a professor in the School of Health, Medicine and Applied Psychology at Central Queensland University in Australia, explained the pros and cons of having a dog.

Is owning a dog good for your health?

Physical benefits
A systematic review published in 2019 analyzed medical data from approximately 3.8 million people collected in multiple studies and found that 'people who own dogs have a 24% lower risk of dying from any cause compared to people who do not own dogs. Owning a dog is associated with increased physical activity, which lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease.

The study also found that owning a dog was associated with a 35% reduced risk of subsequent death in people with previous heart-related medical problems.

Owning a dog reduces risk of death from heart attack or stroke, study finds

Another study found that people who own adult dogs are nearly four times more likely to meet their daily physical activity goals than those who don't. Additionally, children in dog-owning households were more active and more likely to engage in unstructured play than those who don't. Another benefit is that exposure to the dirt and germs that dogs bring in from the outdoors can boost a child's immune system .

Physical Disadvantages
While owning a dog has many physical benefits, it can also pose health risks. One of these is allergies, and dog saliva, urine, and dandruff can cause allergic reactions, leading to symptoms such as itchy eyes, runny nose, and difficulty breathing, Signal points out. There is also a risk of bringing in zoonotic diseases such as ringworm, a skin disease, and campylobacter .

A 2022 meta-analysis of approximately 2 million children suggests that children who had contact with dogs from a young age were at higher risk of developing asthma, but this increased risk was lower than in those who had cats. In addition, playing with dogs increases the risk of slipping and falling, and pathogens can also enter the body through bites and scratches.

People who sleep in the same bed as their pet dog are especially at risk of allergies and infections, and may not get enough sleep if their pet moves around during the night. However, some pet owners feel more secure and have great psychological benefits from sleeping with their dog , so it is important to receive proper veterinary care and hygiene management to reduce risks.

Mental benefits
The benefits of owning a dog don't just go beyond physical: Dogs have been shown to help relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as

having a positive impact on the mental health of their owners when facing challenges.

Owning a dog may also be a solution to loneliness, a major public health problem. Walking your dog or taking it to a dog park can provide opportunities to talk to neighbors and other dog owners, making it easier to make new friends . Such social interactions build a sense of belonging to a community and help reduce feelings of loneliness.

Of course, some people find it hard to talk to people while out on a walk, but a 2019 study found that simply having a dog can reduce loneliness. 'People reported feeling better, likely due to a stronger bond with their dog,' Signal said.

◆Should people keep dogs?
Owning a dog not only brings joy in itself, but also brings various benefits to the mind and body. However, owning a dog also comes with the responsibility of caring for and training it properly, which can be emotionally exhausting and financially burdensome, especially if the dog has health problems. In addition, because dogs generally have a shorter lifespan than humans, losing a beloved dog can cause mental health problems, leading to pet loss .

Signal said: 'The so-called pet effect suggests that having pets, most often dogs, improves the physical and mental health of people in all situations. But the reality is more nuanced, and for some people having a pet can be stressful. Importantly, household animals are not simply 'tools' for human health; owners and dogs can mutually benefit when their welfare and health are maintained.'

The following article summarizes some tips to help pets and their owners stay healthy and happy together.

What are the '5 points' for pets and owners to be healthy and happy together? - GIGAZINE

in Science,   Creature, Posted by log1h_ik