Suicide rate has increased by 25%, what the hell is going on?

The suicide in the US tended to increase in recent years, and the suicide rate increased by 25% from 1999 to 2016 as a whole in the USAAmerican Disease Control Center(CDC) announced. It is one of the reasons why there are many people who do not grasp their mental health condition so far that suicide has increased so far, it is science-related blog media ·Live ScienceIt is summarized.

Why Are Suicide Rates Rising?

Suicide rising across the US | VitalSigns | CDC

According to the report released by the CDC, suicide rates have increased in 49 out of 50 states in the United States between 1999 and 2016, with more than 30% increase in 25 states. As a whole, about 45,000 people are no longer suicide by 2016, but CDC says it is more than twice the number of deaths due to murder.

Although mental health status is often raised as a cause of suicide, CDC insists that there are few cases that lead to suicide with only one thing. The use of medicine, physical health, stress from work, money, legal problems etc can also be mentioned as cause of suicide.

In order to prevent suicide, CDC comments that it is important for the government, public health, regional organizations, medical, education, labor environment, and media to cooperate. Especially the existence of doctors and therapists is important, according to a survey at Detroit's Henry Ford hospital, suicide prevention program by doctors and therapists has reduced 80% of suicide rate.

However, CDC reported that half of those who killed themselves were not diagnosed as "mental health conditions are getting worse", especially men reporting this trend was noticeable.University of Pittsburgh"Especially in the case of men, there are many problems in a situation where there are many people who are not diagnosed with depression and there are many people who do not improve their mental health status", said Mr. Katarin Santo, a professor of psychiatric medicine.Illness of the mind does not necessarily appear on the appearanceAccording to Mr. Santo, while it is easy for women to understand that there are signs of depression at a relatively early stage of medical treatment, it is said that men tend to have difficulty in seeing whether they are seeking help or not It is that.

Indeed, according to CDC's report, the suicide who had not grasped his / her mental health status because of hospital diagnosis because he could not see signs of depression or because he was not diagnosed at the hospital in the first place, , 54% of whom 84% were men.

University of Southern CaliforniaVisiting professor and therapist Susan Lindau said, "If people standing in despair do not seek help, no matter how much investigation of the cause of suicide or improving suicide prevention program is meaningless However, when there are indications of depression or mentally suffering well, people are hardly asked for help. " I also need to understand that "depression and other mental illnesses are chronic diseases like diabetes and multiple sclerosis".

Mr. Lindau says that it is important to be able to overcome the 20-minute period of thinking of suicide by all means that those who are mentally chased do not commit suicide, "Moment when suicide came across the head The pain of my heart may not disappear by asking family members and friends for help, but I can overcome the suicide impulse and I can expect more treatment and recovery ".

in Note, Posted by log1i_yk