Claim that new coronavirus infection affects the brain and the entire nervous system

New coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is said to be caused mainly by fever, sore throat and cough, and
COVID‐19: a global threat to the nervous system-Koralnik--Annals of Neurology-Wiley Online Library
COVID-19 threatens the entire nervous system | EurekAlert! Science News
New Study Reveals COVID-19 Causes Serious Neurological Symptoms Shockingly Often
Previously, there were reports of cases of COVID-19 patients being hospitalized that suffered from hallucinations and illusions, suggesting that COVID-19 is affecting the brain. ..
Patients with new-type coronavirus infection may have hallucinations and illusions, and may be associated with prolonged hospitalization and risk of death-GIGAZINE

The possibility that the new coronavirus will affect the brain-GIGAZINE

Therefore, a research group such as Igor Koralnik, a neuroimmunologist at Rush University in Illinois, USA, investigated the type and frequency of neurosis observed in patients who had been admitted to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital. It was.
As a result, it was found that COVID-19 affects the entire nervous system such as 'brain, spinal cord, organs, muscles' through multiple pathways. First of all, if COVID-19 affects the function of organs, the brain may become deficient in oxygen and stroke caused by blood coagulation may be caused.
It is also possible that the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) directly infects the brain and meninges, and that it is highly likely that the brain and nerves will be damaged by inflammation caused by the reaction of the immune system. It was
The mechanism by which the immune response associated with COVID-19 causes damage to the human body is well understood by reading the following articles.
A movie explaining ``what is coronavirus & what you should do'' played over 13 million times worldwide-GIGAZINE

Koralnik said that COVID-19 affects the nervous system, saying, 'COVID-19 may cause neurological symptoms before it causes respiratory problems such as coughing or fever, so medical personnel and citizens It is important for both parties to be aware of this.' 'Understanding this will lead to proper treatment and clinical management,' he said.
Craig Weinert, a pulmonologist and intensive care physician at the University of Minnesota School of Medicine, also pointed out the effects of post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) experienced by people entering the intensive care unit due to the severity of COVID-19. doing.
PICS is a cognitive and psychological complication that occurs when a patient who enters the intensive care unit is used sedatives and is forced to be in an unfamiliar environment that he does not know day or night. ..
Unlike post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) , PICS often doesn't develop into long-term depression or anxiety disorders, according to Weinert, but ex-patients and their families who have left the intensive care unit for months to years. It is said that there are cases in which it suffers.
In particular, patients who enter the intensive care unit due to COVID-19 may be connected to the oxygen respiratory system and may be given large amounts of sedatives, which may worsen PICS. In addition, physical isolation from family members, such as the risk of infection, adds to the stress of the patient.
'This is unprecedented, because we cannot have our family around the patient while we are being treated and being treated for this serious illness,' Weinert said.
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in Science, Posted by log1l_ks