What are the symptoms that 85% of patients who have suffered from a new coronavirus infection for a long time experience?

Persistent neurologic symptoms and cognitive dysfunction in non-hospitalized Covid-19 “long haulers” --Graham ---- Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology --Wiley Online Library

85% of COVID-19 long-haulers have multiple brain-related symptoms | Live Science
The duration of COVID-19 symptoms varies from patient to patient, and some patients suffer from COVID-19 symptoms for several months. A research team led by Professor Igor Coralnick of Northwestern University 's Feinberg School of Medicine gathered information on 100 patients who had experienced COVID-19 symptoms for more than 6 weeks, and what symptoms they were experiencing. I analyzed it.
As a result of the analysis, 'feeling like fog on the head (81%)' 'headache (68%)' 'feeling numbness (60%)' 'taste disorder (59%)' 'olfaction disorder (55%)' It was found that various neurological symptoms such as 'muscle pain (55%)', 'dizziness (47%)', 'blurred vision (30%)' and 'tinnitus (29%)' appeared. In addition, it was found that 85% of the patients analyzed experienced at least four neurological symptoms.

In addition, 5 months after the appearance of COVID-19 symptoms, when asked 'Do you feel that your physical condition has recovered to the level before the appearance of COVID-19 symptoms?', 63.9% of the respondents 'feel that they have recovered.' Answered. 'We don't know the exact number of patients who have been suffering from COVID-19 symptoms for a long time. Perhaps millions of people in the United States have been suffering from COVID-19 symptoms for a long time and have cognitive function. 'It is thought that it is deteriorating the quality of life.' 'A lot of research is needed to identify the cause of the long-lasting symptoms of COVID-19 and to find a cure.'

Of the patients included in this study, 70% were female and 88% were Caucasian. As a result, the research team states, 'The results of this study may not apply to all populations.'

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in Science, Posted by log1o_hf