Possibility that the new coronavirus will affect the brain

It is known that new-type coronavirus infection (COVID-19) causes fever, body pain, tiredness, sore throat in mild cases and respiratory distress in severe cases. In addition to these symptoms, a new study has been reported that more than one-third of infected persons 'have developed neurological symptoms', and it has been pointed out that the new coronavirus may affect the brain. I will.
Neurologic Manifestations of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Wuhan, China | Global Health | JAMA Neurology | JAMA Network
Neurologic Features in Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection | NEJM
The neuroinvasive potential of SARS‐CoV2 may play a role in the respiratory failure of COVID‐19 patients-Li-2020-Journal of Medical Virology-Wiley Online Library
Coronavirus: many patients reporting neurological symptoms
The research results announced by Chinese and French research teams are that 'new coronavirus causes neurological symptoms', 'neurological symptoms' include dizziness, headache, consciousness disorder, acute cerebrovascular disorder, ataxia, seizures, etc. This refers to central nervous system symptoms, peripheral nervous system symptoms such as taste disorders, olfactory disorders, visual disorders, neuralgia, and consciousness disorders such as confusion, delirium, and coma.
A study conducted by a research team at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology found that 78 (36.4%) of the 214 new-type coronavirus-infected patients had neurological symptoms. Many symptoms were mild, including headaches and dizziness, which can be caused by a strong immune response. However, he said that he had severe symptoms such as taste disorders, olfactory disorders, muscle weakness, stroke, seizures, and hallucinations.
A research team at the University Hospital of Strasbourg University in France reported that '84% of the 58 severely hospitalized patients with acute respiratory failure due to COVID-19 had some neurological symptoms'. In severe cases, acute ischemic stroke, disorientation, loss of attention, and movement disorders were observed, and these symptoms remained after recovery from COVID-19. In the United States, there are a series of reports that young COVID-19 patients in their thirties and forties have unpredictable strokes.

A series of reports suggest that the novel coronavirus either directly infects the brain or causes neuropathy due to its effects on the immune system. A case has also been reported that 'a new coronavirus was discovered from the brain stem', and there is a possibility that 'the infection will spread to the brain via olfactory neurons of the nose.'
Virus expert Jeremy Rossmann of the University of Kent said, `` Since the surface of blood vessels and brain cells express angiotensin converting enzyme 2 targeted by the new coronavirus, the new coronavirus is a blood-brain barrier . There is a possibility that it has passed and caused it. ' Given that there are millions of people infected with COVID-19 worldwide, it is important to recognize that the new coronavirus can cause neurological symptoms.
In addition, since there are known cases of influenza virus, measles virus, MERS virus, and SARS virus infecting the brain and central nervous system and causing serious neuropathy, 'the virus that can infect the brain is There are many other than coronaviruses, 'said Rothman.
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log