What is the 'how to use SNS happily' recommended by scientists?

SNS such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are said
Brief exposure to social media during the COVID-19 pandemic: Doom-scrolling has negative emotional consequences, but kindness-scrolling does not
Doomscrolling COVID news takes an emotional toll – here's how to make your social media a happier place
In addition to personal experiences, a lot of news was posted and spread on SNS, and people infected with the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) that later swept the world began to spread outside China in 2020 4 Around the month, countless articles with headlines such as 'The number of deaths due to COVID-19 increased', 'The sequelae of COVID-19 may be long-term', and 'The medical system is about to collapse' were spread on SNS. ..
It makes me feel down when I read the headlines that show the situation where the dark clouds hang down, but I can't stop reading against that mood. This tendency is common, and according to Buchanan et al., People tend to 'skip news that indicates a deterioration in social conditions when they are in a positive mood, but rather actively look for it when they are in a negative mood.' It has been confirmed that there is. But news that in general show the situation worse is intended to amplify the negative mood, that was actually reported to the pandemic initial news worsened the mental health of the adult study results also exist.
From a series of research results, Buchanan and his colleagues wondered, 'How unhappy is it actually to use SNS when you are in a negative mood?' 'Is there a way to use SNS happily?' When Buchanan et al. Conducted an experiment on the act of reading unpleasant news on SNS when they were in a negative mood named 'Doom Scroll', as Buchanan et al. Predicted, 'general COVID- It was confirmed that people who read 19 related news could have a bad mood even if they read only 2 to 4 minutes, but unexpectedly, 'I saw it in the middle of COVID-19.' Those who read the heartwarming news did not feel up or down compared to those who did not read it at all. ' Buchanan and his colleagues is that the mood improves and read the positive news research results but had been expected from the fact that there exists a 'than mood if COVID-19 in the heart-warming be associated content is restored.' , This expectation is overturned by experiments.

The research results of Buchanan et al. Were taken up by various media and
◆ 1: Be careful about what you read. If you want SNS to connect with people, focus on other users' personal episodes and photos, not the latest news.
◆ 2: Search for content that makes you feel happy. It is recommended that you follow an account that only posts happy and positive things, such as pictures of cute kittens, beautiful scenery, and cooking movies that make you want to eat.
◆ 3: Try to post in a way that emphasizes positiveness and kindness. Sharing something good that is happening in your life makes you feel better, and when you feel better, that positive mood is transmitted to others. It is also recommended to praise others, saying, 'It may feel awkward, but others will be more pleased than you think.'

In summary, Buchanan and colleagues argue that 'not all news and negative content should be avoided, we need to know what's happening in the world, but we also need to be aware of mental health. That's why our findings show the importance of being aware of the damage that negative news can do to our emotions. '
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log