Twitter announces that it will end the 'fleet' feature where posts disappear in 24 hours

Twitter announced that it will end the provision of the 'fleet ' function that posts tweets that disappear in 24 hours, which has been provided in the smartphone version application since November 2020, on August 3, 2021 (US time). Twitter states that the reason for terminating the fleet is that 'the number of new people joining the conversation on Twitter has not increased more than expected because of the fleet.'
Goodbye fleet
we're removing Fleets on August 3, working on some new stuff
— Twitter (@Twitter) July 14, 2021
we're sorry or you're welcome
Fleet is a function that automatically deletes tweets in 24 hours, similar to the 'story' function implemented on Instagram and YouTube, and you can post and browse only from the dedicated iOS and Android versions of the app. The fleet function was tested in Brazil in March 2020, and after being released worldwide in sequence, it became available in Japan in November 2020.
New function 'Fleet' landing in Japan where tweet content disappears in 24 hours --GIGAZINE

Twitter is the official support account, saying, 'We had high expectations for the fleet, but it's time to say goodbye and adopt other ideas. After August 3, the fleet will no longer be available. I will. '
We had big hopes for Fleets, but now it's time to say goodbye and take flight with other ideas. Starting August 3, Fleets will no longer be available.
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 14, 2021
More on what we learned and what's coming ???? (1/4)
Full-screen cameras, text format options, GIF stickers, etc. that could be used in the fleet so far will be introduced in normal tweet creation. Also, the real-time voice conversation function 'Space' is displayed at the top of the screen as it is.
Twitter's voice conversation function 'Space' is now available in the browser version --GIGAZINE

According to Twitter, the fleet function was originally developed to 'push the back of users who hesitate to tweet.' However, in reality, it turned out that 'people who already enjoy tweeting' are using it to spread their posts and interact with others, and it seems that they have not achieved their original purpose.
Twitter says, 'By seizing the big opportunity, we can make the best product for you, but it doesn't always go according to plan. It's not easy to say goodbye to features like fleets, but next I'm looking forward to working on this plan, 'he said, suggesting the possibility of new features to replace the fleet.
Taking big chances helps us make the best product possible for you, but it doesn't always work out like we planned. It's not always easy to say goodbye to a feature like Fleets, but we're excited to get back to work on what we've got planned next: (4/4)
— Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) July 14, 2021
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