Kawakita Koichi talks about differences in thoughts put on special effects and "Toho ceremony" "Daiei ceremony"

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Special event of Japanese film specialty channel invited guests of the special effects world to guests to talk about special effects works to be left behind in posterity "National special treasure trophy"Koichi Koichi directed by the Godzilla series and" Ganhead "as the 4th and 5th guests will appear. Prior to Kawakita,Episode that produced Ultraman's transformation sceneI asked about another episode this time.

Special effects National Treasure | July 4 (Thur) start at 11 o'clock 3 months limited planning, planning supervision · Cast: Higuchi Shinji | Japan movie specialty channel

This time, the work taken up by special effects National Treasure is a semi-documentary TV broadcasted "Farewell, Submarine aircraft carrier - a 401"was.

Kawakita Koichi (Kawakita):
It's nostalgic, a few years ago (laugh) It's been a long time ago, I think it was twenty years ago.

Where 401 was floating from the water and going in and going out, it was filmed with a very powerful image, is that what was taken with a fairly large model?

No, the model is not that big. There is a command tower, but I made it only half ahead of the command tower.

Oh, I see!

So setting the camera and submerging is taking a scene to rise or a scene to dive.

It was impressive to see from the subjective viewpoint where I split water and come up.

I used the same set as the part that is holding a clear sky and took a picture not to see the part without its hull. The model that shows the whole is really small.

I see.

So the place where the sea shines glittering is where the submarine is going to move slowly something is very small. That is not "Toho ceremony" but "Daiei ceremony", so it is different from the way we have been in Toho until then. To Daiei "Oh Zero"War movie series such as"Flight from AshiyaBecause there was a movie like it.

The way of doing things is completely different.

For example, in the flight scenes, by holding an airplane and using rotating back, it makes it appear as if it is flying. This is surprisingly not found in Toho style. There are such differences, but Daiei is Daiei and there are various histories, so I think it's amazing.

It seems that there are submarines that appear in "Farewell aircraft carrier aircraft - a 401", but there seems to be a word "water does not work on scale, deception is ineffective".

Yeah, it does not work. Originally water splashes are simply splashing up simply by saying Pasha, but then it will be strange. So, by dropping water drops with wind to cheat it, you can make splash a little smaller. So you can easily do it if it's stormy.


However, if you do it in the sea of ​​Nagi, I wish the scene to come up, but if I just splash out normally it will not give a sense of scale. The size of the periscope that is coming from the water droplet and the control tower is the same (laugh)

Oh, that's wrong.

There are quite a lot of difficult things like that. So, there is a way to slightly reduce the size of splashes by flying with a fan like a jet fan or air as I said earlier, but that is not done in the "Farewell Ocean Bottom Aircraft - A-401" . I have not been able to follow up to that point. I used to be old because I was also young, so there are probably bad places.

Since the work began with the scene where the sunny storm bombed the canal, I think that it was an outstanding impact as "Ohhhhh, what is this !?"?

It's like eye catch for customers. Mr. Masashi Matsumoto who was my senior played a director, Mr. Akira Takarada and Mr. Akihiko Hirata appeared, Mr. Haruro Mizuno is out as a kyogen dialer, the historical drama part which the skilled people gathered And the fiction part, there are various elements and it is an interesting work.

Actual crew members also appeared, it is a work that can not be made anymore.

Because the captain of the time was appearing, I thought that this is amazing.

I want to ask the story of the sky after water, but I used a radio control miniature at the movie "Samurai of the sky" published in 1976, "I used the samurai of the great sky for the first time in the sky "That.

Oh yeah, as far as Toho special effects is said, "Zero battle of hanging" was said, it was a way to fish and move with a piano line, but this does not give a feeling of speed by any means. Shoot the burn and the machine gun, it hit the enemy and a bat and a fire blown, and in fact the smoke has to come on, but when you are fishing, the smoke has gone up even if you hit the bullet ... .... So I decided to use radio control in 'Samurai of the sky.' With a radio control, you can get speeds as fast as 100 km / h from 80 km / h, so if you ignite it smoke will come out and I guess this will be possible.

However, those of such purpose worked well, but actually the radio control was not very accurate at that time. I did it on the coast of Izu because there are few places to fly the radio control, but I got confused with the radio of the fishing boats and the Japan Coast Guard, and it stopped first when I skipped it (laugh) I wonder how many machines I actually returned, There are a lot of aircraft that mysteriously disappeared without being reflected since I lost a lot of time (laugh)

Wow, that was right ...

And then, similarly, with radio control, putting the ignition switch at hand, I was trying to explode the radio control plane, but it seems I got a little bit of modulation, switch was arbitrarily entered and the plane came back By the way, I have also exploded with Baan. However, efficiency is bad, but there are many good things as an effect. If you do not challenge such new things, you can not create new videos.

Mr. Kawakita had been saying "to review the goodness of analog methods" before. It is natural that you can take pictures of beautiful if it is new technology, but there are good things about analog.

Yes, that's right. The goodness of analog is that the creator is an analog person first and the viewer is also an analog one and since most of the things in nature are analog and there is no possibility that it exists in digital, Because it is so. What is basic in video technology is that there is not much difference between what we have done in analog and the current digital technology. Efficiency is improved by replacing it with digital. On top of that, the digital one is "narrow in width" because it has cut away useless parts. Analog is pretty broad and infinite. I think that I would like young people of the future to know more about it and study analogue.


If you go to a consumer electronics retail store, you can buy a camera that can take a movie cheaply, it is a time when you can actually film a movie. Considering the technology related to it more, if you do not study basic things properly, you can not see the end if you rely only on digital.

There are voices that "Sci-Fi Culture" is going to be obsolete, but what do you have to do to keep it?

Now I have made little film, but still in the US there are also films I'm filming, and even in Japan there are few film shots. That is true in the United States, but Japanese culture is not preserved with digital information. There is a place called Film Center, but I only save films. That's why the film has a history of about 120 years, and the existing things have been surviving for a long time. On the other hand, I do not know how digital information is (lol) Optical media like DVD will be useless for about 20 to 30 years. Since it is not easy to change the media at all, if you take a picture with digital now, I will separate all of them and separate them into three colors and make them into films.

Although I took it in digital, I bother to film.

Yes, I wake up what I took and divide it into monochrome filmTechnicolor systemI like how to preserve it. By doing so, you can survive 120 years. This method has been inherited historically. By thinking about such things, I think that the image culture will still survive in the future, and as I said earlier, the young people now are not a bit more anxious images but studying to leave a proper picture I think I have to do it, though.

Kawakita's recent work also deals with quite challenging works such as "super star God" series of special effects heroes and "Kawaii! JeNny" using dressed dolls. I heard that the response from not only children but also big friends was great.

That's right, Kawaii! JeNny was particularly responsive. When doing with Nico Douga, the response was quite amazing.

Is it a dramatic work that used Jenny when you gathered information before the program started? Although I thought, when I started it was a work that reacts with "This is ... something different!"

That work has a solid theme and should be a work that can be seen from children to adults ... ... It was a work that took a leap because I dealt with garbage problems and did a variety of things (lol)

Is it a feeling that it was a miscalculation in a good direction?

That's right, I regret not having continued that. I think that there is a kind of hand.

Do you have anything you would like to do next such works, based on these various works?

As it is the 70th anniversary from the end of the war just next year, NHK will surely be going to do it, of course, I think it would be nice to be able to video the battleship Yamato, Musashi, Shinano battleship trilogy produced by Japan including historical verification, and After all, it is a zero game as a flight body in Japan. I wonder if I can review the history of airplane culture in Japan, the history of airplane again. MitsubishiMRJ (Mitsubishi Regional Jet), HondaHondaJetI am making it.

In the past, directorSpecial effects spirit"I wrote in" I like tanks and tanks ", but how about tanks?

Hahahahah, tanks are interesting, though (laugh). Why is it interesting because the armor is different in history? In the old days, it would have been better to make the iron plate thicker and thicker, but now it is a ceramic sandwich structure as it can not be helped by making it so thick. Hiding the heat source, bouncing the anti-tank car ... ... And then the shape has changed. Although it used to be streamlined in the past, it is now sharp. State-of-the-art10 type tankThere will not be too many, but I think that it will gradually change over there.

Now even Japan is making stealth fighting aircraft and it was now a nuclear weapon that the rifle was in the past. I wonder how it evolves like that. Killing people ... There is a word to say, but in order to defend Japan, it is essential that such weapons are necessary, so it is in the head that you do not know.

I see. Among this "special effects spirit", there is a story that I want to remake about "Gunhead" that appeared in this special treasure National Treasure, in 2007 DVD will come out and it will rise, and in the next 5 years we will get a plastic model Mr. Kawakita will be making a picture again, how is it, did the dream come true?

That's right, "Gunhead" broke 23 years ago, but 23 years later it is not so faded that there are many industrial robotic elements in "Gunhead" now.

Even if you look at it now, the gun head is cool and I think that it will not feel old - fashioned even when things of the actual size come out.

Gun head is not that big. It's like a Vulcan gun or an anti-tank gun, self-running by breaking barriers with weapons, automatically lowering the car height where the ceiling height is low. Tanks can now freely lower their car height, so that's the same as Ganhead. However, Japan's mechanical technology begins with animation that is represented by Gundam, its dreams become realistic, and now there are places where reality is advanced, so I'm looking forward to that That's right. The reality may be more advanced than we are somewhat. I thought that someone studying at a university was doing something like "Why did you think that kind of idea?" There were also things like watching the Gundam and getting inspiration from there . I like that. There are many cases where there are people aiming for robots, aiming at the universe, and aiming for various things from that place.

Really, it is an incredible era. What was in existence in science fiction movies became reality ... .... Finally, do you have any messages for people coming into the world called special effects in the future?

I am teaching students now, but among students, if you say "special effects", you are imagining a hero like a squadron or a mask rider.

I see.

I do not have that kind of image at all, so I guess whether it is better to study various things realistically a bit more ... .... However, in general, speaking of special effects, squadron things or riders would be easier to understand. There are various miniatures and special effects, though. An old movie person would have learned the technology of the movie, but now the technician does it with CG, it is a product of a combination of chemistry, mechanical engineering and various technologies. So in that, "movie shops", video creators may be really just a handful.

I see .... There are lots of things to learn right now.

Yes, we have it. However, in order to form a dream, if there is only one dream, the shock is great when it collapses, so I think that it is good to have lots of dreams and do various things in it.

Thank you for talking about various works.

Directed by Shinji Higuchi and Koichi Kawakita who took a talk, recordingHara Railway Model MuseumIt took place in.

"Farewell aquarium aircraft carrier a-401" to be broadcasted on August 8 is a "phantom work" that was once broadcast as a documentary drama and not packaged, so please take a closer look at this opportunity. In addition, Kawakita also appeared in the 5th National Treasures special effects film that will be broadcasted on September 5th and others, and "disappeared tanker" will be broadcasted here.

Farewell aquatic aircraft carrier a-401 (TV) | Japanese film specialty channel if watching Japanese movies / Japanese movies

Disappeared tanker (TV) / Gunhead 2025 | Japan movie specialty channel if watching Japanese movies / Japanese movies

In addition to anecdotes about people accredited as special treasure national treasure in the official Facebook page "special effects" of the Japanese film specialty channel, an archive of "Burning special effects! Festival 2013" held on August 3 will be seen It is a schedule.

Japanese Film Specialty Channel "Special Effects" | Facebook

in Interview,   Movie, Posted by logc_nt