What special effects are left in posterity is our Noblesse obliege, interview about special effects to Mr. Sagisumi

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A project where director Higuchi Shinji watches works to be handed down to future generations in Japanese special effects world, with people related to the work "National special treasure trophy"Is the final round of the 6th broadcasting. Today 's evening · Repeat broadcasting will be held from 23 o'clock on September 26th. The 6th guests were composed by composing' Evangelion New Theater Version 'and the movie' Berserk ', fanfare flowing at some race tracks Musician'sSagisuki ShiroMr. Mr. Sagisu's father was a cartoonist and Mr. Takao Sasuzen who was also president of picture production company Pee Production (Mr. Ushio Soji), I've asked about various figures of that person.

Special effects National Treasure | July 4 (Thur) start at 11 o'clock 3 months limited planning, planning supervision · Cast: Higuchi Shinji | Japan movie specialty channel

Wakaboshiro (hereinafter referred to as Sagisu):
Thank you, please listen to anything.

GIGAZINE (hereinafter, G):
Thank you very much, I'm counting on you today. I'd like to ask about Mr. Tagio Sagisu who was founder of P. Productions and Mr. Sagisu's father, but he is also a founder of the company, a manga artist and a stupid player, and also has a face as a father at home Although it was that it was, from the eyes of Mr. Sagisu, who was it?

There were no distinctions as to whether the three faces all came together ...... There was a home in the company and there was a company in the family, so I did not have three faces, it was one. Personality is a gentle person who is exhausted with one word "gentle". If you are an ordinary family, if you are doing the music in the middle of the night, I think I'm getting angry with "noisy!", But I did not say that kind of thing, I was about 50 years old with my father until the death, I have never been angry with that kind of thing.

When Mr. Sagisu is doing music, father is also working at the same house, right?

Never have I been told that everything is "disturbing" or "noisy". Even with this story, it is hard to be so gentle. When I look back upon my childhood, sometimes I was scolded momentarily, but that is also unusual, so there was not much in itself of being "angry". I did ordinary mouthfelds (laugh), it was so called rebellious period, there was absolutely no disconnection of parent and child.

The company and the family stayed together, and I was about to think about what was like the rebellious period.

There was really no such thing ...... It was a slightly different part compared to my friends.

According to the interview that Mr. Sagusu had before, my father talked about Mr. Sagisuka as "I will use it in the company in the future" though I thought that I went to the way of music, when I was young, special effects Mr. Sagisuka who was touching the set had read that he went to the music path because he was tired of special effects, but did not he keep on going to music?

Well, that is not right, rather, I've always been to the live performances I'm playing and enjoyed my music from the bottom of my heart.

It was a very good relationship.

There was also a relationship between parents and children, but maybe it was a relationship like a brother. Even when my trip started from a childhood or when my father was 80 years old and I was 44 years old, I went to a variety of places both overseas as well as in Japan. I have always watched a movie together .... Even if I become small and adult, what I do with parents and children is the same. After all, I became music from the middle, but since that relationship is not shaken, I think it is brotherly.

I see.

Will parents and children change relationships and things with generations? If you are a normal family, your father may retire from work, retire from work, change jobs, make grandchildren for my son / daughter, become a relationship of three generations ... .... As it happened that my grandchild was not there, the relationship was always the same. So, the conversation that I did when I was a child and the content of the conversation that my father had just before he died at the age of 80 did not change very much. Conversely, I was having a very adulting conversation since I was a child, and I did not engage in childish conversation even after becoming an adult (laugh). It was not basically because "I can not talk about this story."

It's a nice relationship to talk about anything.

However, when the customer came, it was acknowledged to boast and get proud of the peoples as they came. It was OK from the time of childhood, such as bottom neta.

I think that there are many families who dislikes the lower neta, but was there never said to "stop doing it"?

There was not such a thing at all, my father himself walked naked in the house naked (laugh). I think that there was moderation in the standards of the house to the extent that it would not be vulgar, but that did not mean that I should not say such things in public.

I see.

So when I was a child, the conversation did not change even when I was 50 years old and my parents were 80 years old.

As boys get to about junior and senior high school students, the conversation with their fathers has decreased, and my father was getting very old while I was not talking ... I often hear the story that envies that good relationship.

I agree. But for me it was normal, so I had never been conscious of even saying "Is this envious?" What I learned most from my father is "It does not matter how I can see from others." It is a way of life that fathers can only think about what they like from people, do not work as much as they like. It may have been envious to be sure, but it was a home like a roller coaster. My family got hit when I got the work my father issued, and in the state of roller coaster that I endure peacefully when I get out.

There is a big difference in life when there are no hit works and no hits ... ....

Yes. But it is amazing that my father never changed at all either way.

That is amazing.

When I was young, when I go to a barber shop with my father, I often went to a plastic model store because my father also wanted to see a plastic model because I was asked "Which plastic model do you want?" If you answer this, I will buy it, but because of that, I do not have any money to pay if going to the barber (lol) I heard that there are things that I do not know which is the parent. My father is that kind of person. It will be unimaginable if it is a bit ordinary.

What kind of table you were surrounded by what is called 'original grandfather, public and private confusion'.

My job was like this, so I started cooking from quite a while. I have eaten a family of five, but I often eat them apart. My mother was doing the accounting of his father's company, I think that it was the most difficult thing to make meals, nurture children and work again. However, as children became able to make meals by themselves, there were three people brothers and likes and dislikes, so each of the children made their own meals and eat themselves. As a result, it was a home with really high degree of freedom. The meals also reflected the family situation, and at a very good time there were really nice menus lined up ... ... Because the company was glassed through the house, children knew something about the family situation.

That means,Magma AmbassadorEat something good when it hits ... ....

That's right. I went on a trip to a nice place and it was very easy to understand the situation at home. It was a person who was easy to understand whether his father himself had no back and front.

Mr. Sagisun's favorite filmroot work is "Ji Jie Lion MaruI heard that ... "

Yes, I do.

I think that there were opportunities to see special-effects works as if they were literally taken regardless of the work of People since childhood, but what kind of favorite works do you have in that?

In my case, because I was a family business, I was watching like picking up various things in my hands, but I did not look at my own point of view, but I did not look at it I think that there was something I saw on the making side. In that say "Sanda vs GuairaIs not it? In the core, directing and special effects are good. It is something I could see as a customer rather than like it. afterGreat devilIs it the first work of? I am afraid = like love, as a work property ...... In truly a cheeky way of thinking, I felt like I was showing "something not in myself at the time", "I have something like this" .

I was wondering which hero's name is coming out, but did "Frankenstein Monster" came?

I still like these two works.

I see. In May this year "Survey report on Japanese special effectsDirected by Director Anano, "Please please help me with technology called special effects, I'm afraid technology of special effects seems to have ended" message. Published in 2012 "The gigantic soldier appears in TokyoWhen it was released, I showed that I can make such a wonderful thing with Japanese special effects technology, but it is also the president of a company that actually makes special effects, and I am making it from the time I was small As Mr. Sagisuka, what kind of feeling do you have for special effects?

Well, when we were Lion Maru, the white horse with feathers was connected next to my home, and the bowls of Zaborger 's modified bicycles were arranged, and I lived in that kind of situation.

It is life surrounded by treasure from the fan.

However, since it is still a commercial work, it is very disappointing that it will be depleted over time, whether it is human resources or material, but to some extent it is inevitable. He is a big senior and well-informed composerTsutomu KyoheiSays, "Music is an art, but how do you balance commercials, art and commercials?" I think exactly that is right. In short, commercial works are something you can not do without needs, and now SFX and CG replace SFX and CG, and it is getting burned down, but if you consider it as commercial it can not be helped. That is divisible there.

I see.

However, when thinking as culture or art,Fumihisa OhashiMr.,Takayama RyobansuMr.,Yoshio WatanabeThere are lots of terrible things in the things left by. For example, when arranging the works of Mr. Ryosaku Takayama's works, it can be regarded as a work of art. That is to say that it is a wing of art and commerce, which is the most wonderful part of culture. Because politics is democratic, it is decided by majority rule. Sports is, as it were, "The one that ran the fastest 100 meters wins". But culture and art are not so. It is easy to say "hit the heart of people", but if there are people who like 100 people there are people who hate 100 people, so even if we harvest only 100 people who do not like it, it will not be a majority decision, Even in Biri, there are runners who strike the hearts of people if it is a photographic art. Because everything is democracy, if you do it like a majority decision, paintings and sculptures will disappear from the world. If everyone decides everything, things like something like "David statue" are not accepted (laugh). Is that something like that?

Well (laugh)

Even though it is commercially unfriendly that "such things can not appear on the table", if you consider it as culture or art, it will become an ant.

I see…….

What I thought in this report by Director Anano and director Higuchi is that the art and culture, including music, is not a majority decision or a 100 m run. That means everyone has to think about it once again. Since it is not majority vote, "How many people do you agree with, how many people you do not do" is not a story of that number. There are also genres that are no longer in demand as commercial, but then, considering what we can leave, people who put in the picture frame for the picture will remain behind. Do not you think you should understand that "the picture frame is more important than it is and it is sometimes necessary?" So, to make something like a picture frame to leave, it is that kind of thing.

If you talk about majority votes based on majority opinions, some people dislike it as much as you like. To say that "winning / losing" "majority / minority" on the same scale as politics and sports does not apply to us, and even if it is a small number, even if the race is late, There is something to tell. Even though it is gone, our artist has a role to store it in a "picture frame" or a clean box, even if it is one of the debris. It is not that people in general need to do it but we are in it. It is somewhat "Noblesse oblige"you know. Since we earned rewards with creative things, we must return it to the future this time. That is our obligation.

This is the last question. It was that he wanted to make it if director Higuchi Shinji got a story saying "Let's make" People Avengers "where the All-Star of People will appear, if we can make it. It is a new work of monster Jie Lion Maru in 2006Lion Maru GWill be made and in 2012Electric ZaborgerHas recovered for the first time in 35 years, how about planning to resurrect or actually make a piece of a piece of work?

This is often asked, but the thing that I want to do most is, of course, what my father wanted to do the most, it is what he left behind. My father always kept remaking story till late years, but there were timings and so did not go well. However, the world is not sweet as the father can do it because he wanted to do it, although my father could not say that he wanted to do it, I know well about that. This is connected with the story just before, and if we sprinkle that it is an "artist" too much, the commercial nature will escape. We must always think about business as well, we must make it compatible with art. Therefore, it is not sweet enough to make it easy just to say "Let's do it" with the artists rising up easily with ease. Because I'm watching the father's last years, the things I did not want to do, there is a thought that "Because I do it!" But since I do it, I do not want to make it succeed, but I want to make something that combines art and commercial I want to do my best to make it. I will exhaust it.

Thank you very much for spending a lot of time today.

It is unexpected.

In this interview, "special effects national treasure" was recordedHara Railway Model MuseumIt took place in.

The special treasure National Treasure No. 6 handled is the "day when the air disappears" depicting a panic originating from the rumor that Halley's comet approaches and the air will be gone, the Daiei movie "Buddha , Phantom special effects Hero program "Birth of Silver Jaguar" (Pilot film of Silver Jaguar). Broadcast starts from 23 o'clock on September 26 th, from 25 th 30 th September 29 th. Although three repeat broadcasts are planned in October, it is only September that a dialogue between Mr. Shinji Higuchi and Mr. Peguro Sage is broadcast, so please do not miss it.

The day when the air runs out | Japan movie specialty channel if seeing Japanese movies / Japanese movies

Baka | Japanese movie specialty channel if watching Japanese movies / Japanese movies

The birth of Silver Jaguar | Japanese movie specialty channel if watching Japanese movies / Japanese movies

in Interview,   Movie,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt