
Intel and Biden Admin Announce up to $8.5 Billion in Direct Funding...
Biden-Harris Administration Announces Preliminary Terms with Intel to Support Investment in U.S. Semiconductor Technology Leadership and Create Tens of Thousands of Jobs | U.S. Department of Commerce
Since I took office, companies have announced over $240 billion in investments to bring chip manufacturing back home.
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 20, 2024
That's the CHIPS Act working.
And today, we’ll announce a preliminary agreement with Intel for up to $8.5 billion in CHIPS funding, mobilizing $100 billion.
アメリカでは2022年8月に「今後5年間でアメリカ国内の半導体製造能力の強化に約527億ドル(約7兆9300億円)を充てる」という条項を含む「Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors and Science Act(CHIPS法)」が成立しています。今回のアメリカ政府によるIntelへの投資はCHIPS法に基づくものです。
Intel is filling supply chain gaps critical to the U.S. economy and national security. #CHIPSAct funding supports Intel’s plan to invest $100 billion in the U.S. over five years to expand chipmaking capacity and capabilities in Arizona, New Mexico, Ohio and Oregon. pic.twitter.com/f0rgyPAxaU
— Intel News (@intelnews) March 20, 2024
Intel’s investments, coupled with the #CHIPSAct award, are expected to create and support around:
— Intel News (@intelnews) March 20, 2024
10,000 Intel jobs,
20,000 construction jobs,
50,000 indirect jobs with suppliers and supporting industries.
Read the thread to learn more. pic.twitter.com/1BuGJroJeX
Semiconductors are the tiny computer chips smaller than a fingertip that power our everyday lives.
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 21, 2024
We invented them, but over time we moved manufacturing overseas.
I came to office determined to bring their production home.
That's what our CHIPS Act does. pic.twitter.com/pKD2YMN3OX
Great to see this announcement today from @SecRaimondo and @Intel, which is a critical step forward in strengthening our semiconductor supply chain resilience in the US. https://t.co/CKC5QJD5mU
— Satya Nadella (@satyanadella) March 20, 2024
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IntelのCEOが数千億円規模の半導体工場建設への投資を世界各国の政府に要請している - GIGAZINE
Intelが2兆円以上を投じてヨーロッパに半導体工場を建設する予定であることが判明 - GIGAZINE
イスラエル政府が国内に新設するIntelの工場へ約4600億円の助成金を投じるとの報道 - GIGAZINE
最初に2nm半導体を量産するのはTSMCかSamsungかそれともIntelか? - GIGAZINE
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in ハードウェア, Posted by log1o_hf
You can read the machine translated English article US government announces $3 trillion fund….