Don't underestimate sleep deprivation, this is the only negative effect of sleep deprivation

Some of you may have had the experience of working, studying, or immersing yourself in your hobbies while you sleep. If you don't get enough sleep for a long time, you will have various adverse effects such as depression, anxiety disorders, and increased appetite.
Impacts Of Lack Of Sleep
The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) is a 'suitable sleep time in adults from 7 to 9 hours' in 2015 recommended we are, but it can not ensure adequate sleep time every day in real life ..
The negative effects of lack of sleep include increased levels of stress hormones that raise blood pressure, weakened ability to convert glucose into energy, and reduced immune and body temperature maintenance when all night long. I know . In addition, research has shown that even if you do not go all night, 'If you sleep less for just one day, your emotions and body will be damaged, and if you do not sleep for 6 hours or more, you will not recover.' If you sleep less than 6 hours a day, your emotions such as anger and frustration will increase, and health problems such as the upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract will be more likely to occur.
If you sleep less than 6 hours in a row, the damage to your body and mind will continue to worsen, and you need to get enough sleep on weekdays.

In addition, in a study investigating the area of the brain that controls emotions, human anxiety and sleep are closely linked, and when sleep deprivation continues, the activity of the part that controls negative emotions weakens, and the mental state close to anxiety disorder. I also know that it is easy to become. In addition to the amplification of mentally disturbing emotions such as anger and anxiety disorders, studies have also shown that it makes it difficult to feel positive emotions, leads to cognitive decline, and loss of concentration. It is done.
What is the effect of lack of sleep on concentration? --GIGAZINE

Sleep deprivation also leads to obesity, as sleep affects the secretion of hormones that control appetite. In addition to lack of sleep, the disorder of the body clock due to the variation of sleep time adversely affects the blood sugar level, and the risk of having cardiovascular disease and the risk of diabetes increase.
It turns out that reducing the average sleep time by 1 hour activates genes related to diabetes and cancer --GIGAZINE

By Diego da Silva
In addition, the average life span or shrink , the risk of dementia or enhance also been found that such be. It is important not to underestimate the fact that sleep deprivation is harmful and to recognize that it has long-term adverse effects.
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