What is the 'TPM' that Microsoft requires in Windows 11? Why is it essential?

On June 25, 2021, Microsoft announced the next OS, 'Windows 11 ', with a revamped UI. The IT news site The Verge explains the 'Trusted Platform Module (TPM) ' that is essential for running Windows 11.

Why Windows 11 is forcing everyone to use TPM chips --The Verge

Microsoft says that computers that can install Windows 11 have specifications such as '64-bit compatible processor or SoC with 2 cores or more at 1 GHz or more', 'memory of 4 GB or more', 'storage device of 64 GB or more', and 'TPM 2.0'. Announced that it is a mandatory requirement.

How to check if your PC meets requirements such as TPM 2.0 is summarized in the following article.

I tried using a check app that can check if 'Windows 11' can be installed on a PC --GIGAZINE

Regarding TPM, David Weston, Microsoft's Head of Enterprise and OS Security, said, 'It's a chip that's built into the motherboard of a PC or added separately to the CPU. The purpose of the TPM is encryption. sensitive data, such as keys and user authentication and protected by the hardware, or to access malware and attackers to the data, there to be prevented from or tampering with the data, 'said explanation has been.

For this reason, The Verge states that 'TPM provides protection not only at the software level, but also at the hardware level, where it is used to encrypt disks with BitLocker and prevent dictionary attacks on passwords. In short, TPM became mandatory because of the importance of security. '

In 2011, TPM 1.2, the previous generation of TPM 2.0, was introduced, but TPM has been a mandatory requirement so far to prevent users with devices without TPM from using Windows. did not. However, in 2020, SolarWinds ' network management software, which is widely used by major companies such as Microsoft and government agencies, will be hacked on a large scale. The vulnerable (vulnerable) of the Microsoft Exchange Server in 2021 the beginning of a messaging platform developed by Microsoft, such as government agencies more than 30,000 tissue is hacking incident has also been widely reported.

In recent years, ransomware has begun to damage not only major IT companies and government agencies, but also organizations that are responsible for people's daily lives, such as food and medical care . In response to these growing threats to Windows products and their users, Microsoft has decided to include the TPM as a mandatory requirement, The Verge points out.

It is reported that the ransomware attack has begun to focus not only on the threat of large companies but also on 'people's daily lives' such as food and medical care --GIGAZINE

In addition, at the beginning of the announcement of Windows 11, TPM 2.0 is not included in the officially announced requirements, and the official tool to check whether the PC meets the required requirements of Windows 11 is equipped with TPM 2.0. There was some confusion among users due to the inconvenience of displaying 'Windows 11 can be installed' even on a PC that does not have it, but at the time of writing the article, the tool was supposed to check normally, Weston said.

in Software,   Hardware,   Security, Posted by log1l_ks