The first tweet tweeted on Twitter was sold for approximately 300 million yen, and the seller donated the entire amount to charity

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The oldest existing tweet was auctioned as a non-fungible token (NFT) and was finally sold for approximately $3 million (approximately 300 million yen) on March 22, 2021.

Jack Dorsey's first tweet sold as an NFT for an oddly specific $2,915,835.47 - The Verge

The winning tweet was ``just setting up my twttr'' by Twitter co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey .

On March 5, 2021, Mr. Dorsey listed this tweet as an NFT on Valuables By Cent, an auction site specializing in tweets. NFT is a ``digital asset'' whose ownership is clarified using a ``blockchain'' mechanism that accurately records transaction records. You can understand how blockchain works by reading this article , and read the following article to understand what NFT is.

What exactly is a 'non-fungible token (NFT)' that gives a unique value to a digital concept? -GIGAZINE

The tweet by Mr. Dorsey on March 22, 2006 was the first tweet since the Twitter service started, and everyone who found value in it participated in the auction. The auction started at $1 (about 109 yen), but increased to $100 (about 10,900 yen), $1,000 (about 109,000 yen), and $10,000 (about 1,090,000 yen). , it was finally sold for $2,915,835.47 (approximately 320 million yen). The winning bidder is Sina Estavi , CEO of Bridge Oracle , a company that provides a cryptocurrency platform. Regarding Dorsey's tweet, he expressed his own values, saying, ``This is not just a tweet. I think in a few years, people will realize the true value of this tweet.''

In addition, Mr. Dorsey will donate all the money obtained from this auction to people living in poverty.

in Posted by log1p_kr