'The oldest existing Twitter post' can be auctioned for over 270 million yen

A short tweet posted by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey in 2006 called 'just setting up my twttr' was $ 2.5 million in 'Valuables' that tokenized the tweet and put it up for auction. It turned out that the high price of 770 million yen) was attached.
Twitter's Dorsey auctions first ever tweet as digital memorabilia | Reuters
Jack Dorsey is trying to sell his first tweet as an NFT --The Verge
As the epidemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) restricts human behavior and movement, digital files of music and movies are increasingly bought and sold by crypto assets called non-substitutable tokens (NFT). I've been doing it. Some NFT auction sites are so popular that the total trading value in February 2021 increased 10 times from the previous month.
What is behind 'a 10-second movie sold for 700 million yen'? --GIGAZINE

The popularity of NFT is due to its characteristic of 'giving unique value to digital things.' For example, Mona Lisa's paintings, no matter how elaborate they are, are worthless copies, and 'in-kind' are exchanged at high prices. This is supported by the fact that the value of Mona Lisa can be 'proven to be genuine' in terms of the history of the author / owner, but NFT, which is a cryptocurrency using blockchain, is mechanically 'genuine'. You can easily prove that it is. For this reason, it is useful for buying and selling art.
You can read more about what NFT is from the following articles:
What exactly is a 'non-substitutable token (NFT)' that gives a unique value to a digital concept? --GIGAZINE

It has been pointed out that the buying and selling of digital art by NFT is in a bubble situation, but Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey posted the first Twitter post posted on March 22, 2006 at the NFT auction. Did. Click the link below ...
— Jack (@jack) March 6, 2021
You will be taken to a platform called 'Valuables' where you can buy and sell tokenized tweets. Valuables allows you to bid off tweets at auctions using NFT, and Dorsey's tweets at the time of writing are priced up to $ 2.5 million.

According to the Valuables FAQ , purchasing a Tweet on Valuables means 'purchasing a digital certificate for the tweet.' As a result, the tweet itself will continue to be published on the Internet for free, while tweet buyers will obtain a digital certificate signed using encryption. Baseball cards are sometimes bought and sold at high prices in the United States, but the same is true for buying and selling tokenized tweets, which is said to be 'like buying an autographed and unique baseball card.'
On the other hand, it has been pointed out that NFT cannot be used as proof of ownership and copyright and is being hyped, and that 'creators become promoters of cryptocurrencies rather than creating'. It is also pointed out that, unlike baseball cards, NFTs have no supply restrictions, so bubbles are inevitable.
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in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log