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Apple's Secret Silicon Fab at 3250 Scott Blvd - Ashley M. Gjovik
If you're new to this part of the party: earlier this year I discovered that across the street from the Santa Clara apartment I moved into & got super sick, is a Apple office where per city records, Apple's clearly doing semiconductor manufacturing & venting solvents at the homes
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) April 18, 2023
I just got ahold of Apple's building plans they submitted to the city for their renovations to turn this existing semiconductor shop into something resembling an alien battleship.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2023年4月18日
Here's Apple's SB01 occupancy plan. It includes labs for:
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2023年4月18日
- Bake out 'wet'
- Corrosive gas bunker
- 'Acid wet'
- etc
You enter offices from the north. To enter the silicon fab clean rooms, you walk through a 'gown' area where they assumably put on bunny suits
Sounds residential
A 327 sqft 'corrosive gas bunker' and 351 sqft 'acid wet' lab sound exactly like something you want to have a stone's throw from thousands of homes.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2023年4月18日
Apple's updated diagrams, & the satellite view, replace the acid tanks & pits with a very consistently unlabeled little thingamajig here that I'm gonna guess is the 'acid neutralization system' they have building permits for
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2023年4月18日
I wonder what those two exterior exhaust vents do
🧵In 2020, I nearly died from mysterious industrial chemical exposure at my home. Later I discovered my employer was dumping toxic waste into our windows from their Skunkworks semiconductor fab next-door. I tipped off EPA, who raided them in 2023. EPA just sent me the report 💀⬇
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月23日
The inspection was supposed to be unannounced so EPA surprises the inspected party who has no chance to cover up issues before EPA gets inside. However city HazMat tipped off Apple & EPA was greeted by Apple's EH&S team. Note: what EPA found was AFTER Apple had time to clean up.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月23日
TLDR; EPA discovered that Apple was:
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月23日
- illegally treating hazardous waste
- illegally transporting hazardous waste
- illegally dumping hazardous waste into the ambient air outside the facility (into the apartment windows)
- leaving stockpiles of chemicals unattended on weekends
Illegal treatment: Apple set up a 1700 gallon aboveground chemical storage tank to treat their ignitable solvent waste. The chemicals are clearly haz waste. The tank was even marked haz waste. But Apple had no permits for it because they unilaterally declared it wasn't haz waste.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月23日
But Apple's potential felonies did not stop there! Apple also decided to transport the illegally treated haz waste (which Apple claimed was never haz waste) to a disposal facility still claiming it wasn't haz waste (even though it was). In 2021 the same waste stream included NMP.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月23日
This same solvent waste storage tank full of env crimes also featured illegal emissions too! The solvent VOC air emissions from the tank & all of the facility's solvent exhaust was collected in a mainline & dumped into the air on the roof, without a permit, & probably unabated.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月23日
Because Apple wasn't monitoring its solvent emissions, & had no permit, its unclear just how much toxic waste Apple dumped into our bedrooms. Also, it gets worse. Between 2020-23, Apple did monitor the air for vapors with an ad hoc, handheld, calibrated gas detector...ONE TIME.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月23日
We previously discussed how Apple didn't change its carbon filters for ~5yrs per their manifests; so they were prob useless. EPA also noticed that when Apple started changing filters in 12/2020, Apple claimed solvent drenched charcoal wasn't haz waste, & illegally disposed of it.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月23日
Next, EPA discovered that Apple had many smaller nonpermitted tanks of haz waste scattered around the plant; including "highly flammable" & corrosive chemicals. Apple unilaterally declared it wasn't hazardous waste because Apple 1) never analyzed it & 2) did pour water into it.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月24日
The US EPA inspector noticed Apple had a 55-gallon container of corrosive liquid chemicals sitting in Apple's "Chemical Bunker," & the container's cap was removed
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月24日
EPA said: hey Apple, why is that container open?
Apple responded: its open so the vapors vent & it doesn't explode
Speaking of Apple's Chemical Bunker...when US EPA started looking around, it saw 30 containers of corrosive liquid, & 12 containers of flammable liquids, all "stacked against the wall." The labels were not visible so EPA had to dig through the jugs to figure out what was there.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月24日
If you're thinking, ok that sounds dangerous, but I'm sure Apple was keeping an eye on things...The facility operated 24/7 but only M-F. On the weekends it was unattended & they didn't monitor their waste. They also stopped weekly inspections after I learned what they were doing.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月24日
Finally lets talk about Apple's factory exhaust. Much of Apple's solvent exhaust vented out "as is" from the main system. The illegal solvent treatment tank exhaust went through untested carbon boxes, but then out a tiny vent pointed *down* at the building. There were no permits.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) 2024年6月24日
US EPA Enforcement & Compliance conducted 3 onsite inspections of Apple's fab facility in 8/2023 + 1/2024. US EPA noted at least *19* potential violations of the RCRA hazardous waste statute.
— Ashley M. Gjøvik (@ashleygjovik) June 23, 2024
I just posted US EPA's report for public access. Dropbox link:
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in メモ, Posted by logu_ii
You can read the machine translated English article It has become clear that Apple built a s….