

TwitterユーザーのGeorge Ioannidisさんが、「Twitterアカウントを確実に凍結させることができる画像を誤って作成してしまった」と報告しています。


I seem to have accidentally created an abstract image that reliably triggers #Twitter to suspend your account for awhile

To make it a bit of a fun/creepy coincidence, the image is based on a representation of Covid's RNA

cc @Twitter @TwitterEng @TwitterSupport #HackerNews

— George Ioannidis (@Kupeplex)



The image in question is this one: https://t.co/84qd9wb3bN

It was supposed to just be an artsy follow up to my previous tweet. Its a representaton of Covid's genome but with colourful dots.

— George Ioannidis (@Kupeplex)


In order to further test this I made a couple new accounts:https://t.co/iczdbMzJdnhttps://t.co/Pji8Qwb0Fw

(one using the VPN I usually use and one not to see if this was the reason) and sure enough, both got suspended upon posting it.

— George Ioannidis (@Kupeplex)


To be clear, what I am saying is that if you save and then post that image, your account is going to be locked for 12 hours. So probably dont do it, or do it in a test account.

P.S. This btw is precisely why A.I.s will kill us all (since I assume its a fancy ML "bug") :p

— George Ioannidis (@Kupeplex)


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FacebookやTwitterのアカウント凍結解除プロセスが非常に複雑な理由とは? - GIGAZINE

Twitterの「アカウント凍結への異議申し立て」がアプリのボタン一発で可能に - GIGAZINE

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Twitterがロシアのウクライナ侵攻の写真や動画を伝えるアカウントを次々と停止 - GIGAZINE

in ネットサービス, Posted by logu_ii

You can read the machine translated English article here.