by Tom The Photographer
スマートフォンの充電時に用いる端子は、Android端末が主にUSB Type-C、iPhoneが主にLightningと分かれていて、変換アダプターを用意しない限り、同じ充電器を使い回すことはできません。EUでは10年にわたって共通で使える汎用充電器を求めており、ついには「汎用充電器が使えること」を携帯電話の要件に盛り込むための法案の審議に入っています。これに対して、Appleが声明を発表しました。
Apple pushes back against EU common charger, warns of innovation risks - Reuters
Apple fights EU call for common smartphone charger, claiming consumer harm
EUの圧力でAppleがLightningコネクタを廃止する可能性 - GIGAZINE
Apple Challenges Europe’s Mooted Lightning Cable Ban
Apple stands for innovation and deeply cares about the customer experience. We believe regulation that forces conformity across the type of connector built into all smartphones stifles innovation rather than encouraging it, and would harm consumers in Europe and the economy as a whole.
More than 1 billion Apple devices have shipped using a Lightning connector in addition to an entire ecosystem of accessory and device manufacturers who use Lightning to serve our collective customers. Legislation would have a direct negative impact by disrupting the hundreds of millions of active devices and accessories used by our European customers and even more Apple customers worldwide, creating an unprecedented volume of electronic waste and greatly inconveniencing users.
We do not believe there is a case for regulation given the industry is already moving to the use of USB Type-C through a connector or cable assembly. This includes Apple’s USB-C power adapter which is compatible with all iPhone and iPad devices. This approach is more affordable and convenient for consumers, enables charging for a wide range of portable electronic products, encourages people to re-use their charger and allows for innovation.
Prior to 2009, the Commission considered mandating that all smartphones use only USB Micro-B connectors which would have restricted the advancement to Lightning and USB Type-C. Instead, the Commission established a voluntary, industry standards-based approach that saw the market shift from 30 chargers down to 3, soon to be two — Lightning and USB-C, showing this approach does work.
We hope the Commission will continue to seek a solution that does not restrict the industry’s ability to innovate and bring exciting new technology to customers.
また、業界全体としてUSB Type-端子Cへの移行が進んでいることから、規制そのものが不要であると主張。むしろ、欧州委員会がかつてUSB Micro B端子を義務づけることを検討した結果、LightningやUSB Type-Cへの移行が制限されたと、EUに対する不満ものぞかせています。
世界初の充電可能な「鉄イオン電池」が開発される、高エネルギー効率でリチウムイオン電池より安全 - GIGAZINE
たったの20分で満タンにできる爆速フル充電モバイルバッテリー「Apollo」 - GIGAZINE
たった17分でスマートフォンを100%充電可能な「100W Super Charge Turbo」をXiaomiが開発中 - GIGAZINE