How to Turn on Windows 11's Hidden End Task Button
Windows 11 has a feature that allows you to end a task directly from the taskbar and close multiple open windows at once, but it is turned off by default. IT news site BleepingComputer explains how to enable this feature so that you can close multiple windows at once by right-clicking, or close unresponsive programs without using the Task Manager.
Windows 11 taskbar has a hidden 'End Task' feature, how to turn it on
When you have multiple windows open in a browser such as Chrome, if you right-click on one of the windows in the taskbar, a 'Close Window' button will appear, but this function will only close the window you right-clicked on. The function to remove these all at once is 'End Task.'
To enable this feature, which is disabled by default, first open Settings from the Windows menu, then click 'System' and 'Developer.'
You can enable it by turning on 'End Task'.
When enabled, 'End task' will be displayed when you right-click an app on the taskbar.
Clicking 'End task' allowed me to close all of my Chrome windows.
According to BleepingComputer, this feature uses the task end function of the Task Manager, and in the case of Chrome, it can kill all processes with the same name, such as 'chrome.exe'.
This allows you to not only close multiple windows at once, but also, when a program freezes and becomes unresponsive, you can close it with a single right-click without having to open the Task Manager.
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