Review of 'Teedy', an open source document organization tool that allows you to read and search the contents of images, PDFs, TXT, emails, etc.

Teedy is a document organization tool that allows you to read the contents of various types of files and make them searchable. It is said that it can be set to automatically import received emails, so I tried self-hosting to see how easy it is to use.

sismics/docs: Lightweight document management system packed with all the features you can expect from big expensive solutions

We will use Docker to install Teedy, so install Docker using the method that suits your environment from the link below.

Install Docker Engine | Docker Documentation

This time, to use Debian, I entered the following command.

[code]sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg

sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

echo \
'deb [arch='$(dpkg --print-architecture)' signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \
'$(. /etc/os-release && echo '$VERSION_CODENAME')' stable' | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin[/code]

Copy 'Default, using PostgreSQL' in 'Examples' of the repository .

Save the copied content as 'docker-compose.yml', open it with a text editor, and change the port number to 80. Also, enter the URL where Teedy will be installed in 'DOCS_BASE_URL', and enter the administrator's email address and password. When I looked at

the document , it said that I could set the default language using 'DOCS_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', so I entered 'jpn'.

Enter the command below to start Teedy.
[code]sudo docker compose up -d[/code]

When I entered the server address into the browser, the Teedy login screen was displayed. Log in by entering 'admin' for both ID and password.

A tutorial will be performed when you log in for the first time. Click '→'.

Teedy organizes data in units called 'documents.' It is possible to attach multiple files to each document. Click →.

Files can be uploaded by dragging and dropping them into a specific area. In addition to uploading to a document, you can also create a document by uploading it directly. Click '→'.

You can then use the search field to search for the desired document. Click '→'.

Documents can also be organized by adding tags. Click the checkmark to finish the tutorial.

When I immediately clicked 'Add a document' and tried to create a document, I discovered that the language setting was 'English'.

When I checked 'Configuration' in 'Settings', the standard language of the document was set to English.

Select 'Japanese' and click 'Save'.

Click 'Add a document' again, enter the title and description, and click 'Save'.

This time, I will export the contents of the following four articles to PDF, DOCX, TXT, and PNG and check Teedy's search performance.

Pointed out that Apple is trying to get involved in ``sports betting'' - GIGAZINE

Major telecommunications carrier Orange is ordered to pay more than 100 million yen in damages for violating the free software license ``GPL'' - GIGAZINE

NVIDIA prohibits running CUDA on other hardware - GIGAZINE

It turns out that one out of every five new cars sold around the world is an EV, and oil demand has been suppressed, and battery prices are falling rapidly - GIGAZINE

Upload 4 files by drag and drop.

When I entered the contents of the PDF file into the search field, the hit parts were displayed in a preview.

On the other hand, when I entered the words contained in the DOCX file, no hits were found.

The contents of a simple text file were a hit as a matter of course.

The last PNG file was also successfully searched. It seems that when you upload an image file, it will automatically read the characters.

Teedy also has a function to automatically import emails. Click 'Inbox scanning' in 'Settings'.

Check 'Enable inbox scanning' and enter the IMAP host name, user name, and password.

Click 'Test the parameters' and if the connection is successful, save it by 'Save'.

After sending the email, it will appear in the list of documents after waiting for a while. Each email is captured as one document.

Of course, it was now possible to search by the content of the email text.

Please note that emails will be imported every 15 minutes.

in Review,   Software, Posted by log1d_ts