Discord has a usage status confirmation function 'Family Center' by parents, what kind of information can be viewed?

The communication app 'Discord' is gaining great popularity because it allows text chats and voice calls with a large number of people to run smoothly. However, parents with small children may be worried about what kind of server their child is interacting with. The Family Center, which is newly added to Discord, allows you to check the usage status of Discord while maintaining the privacy of your child.

Stay connected with your kids with Discord's Family Center


Family Center for Parents and Guardians – Discord

In the family center, you can view information such as 'recently added friends', 'servers currently participating and newly joined servers', and 'users who have chatted or called in one-on-one or group chats'. On the other hand, the contents of the message cannot be viewed. This protects the child's privacy.

The confirmation screen of various information is below. 'Number of users who exchanged messages', 'Number of users who made calls', 'Number of new friends', 'Number of newly joined servers', 'Number of participating servers' are displayed, as well as the name of the user who exchanged direct messages is also noted.

To use the Family Center, it is necessary to issue a QR code with the child's Discord account and read the QR code with the parent's Discord account. Also, the QR code becomes invalid after a certain period of time. By preventing the use of the family center without the consent of the child by these mechanisms, the privacy of the child is protected.

As a result of trying to use the family center with the editorial department's Discord account, the 'family center' menu was not displayed on the setting screen at the time of writing the article, and it could not be used. The Discord help page already has instructions on how to use the Family Center, so it should be available soon.

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf