'Google Chrome 107' stable release, screen sharing improvements, etc. implemented

Version 107.0.5304.62/63 (Windows version, macOS version 107.0.5304.62, Linux version 107.0.5304.68), the latest stable version of the web browser `` Google Chrome '' has been released. In response to the growing need for video conferencing, the update content is conspicuous with improvements related to the screen sharing function.
New in Chrome 107 - Chrome Developers
New in Chrome 107: Better screen sharing, render blocking resources, Pending Beacon API, and more!-YouTube
Provides a hint that allows web apps to tell the browser whether to exclude the current tab from the list of tabs presented to the user when calling getDisplayMedia() .

The effectiveness of this function is assumed to be video conferencing software, for example, if the user inadvertently selects a tab during video capture during a meeting, unexpected
Adds a new parameter to getDisplayMedia() that allows you to specify whether Chrome should show a button to switch tabs during screen sharing.

By using this button, the user can
・Select the video conference tab again
Click the button to start getDisplayMedia() again
・Reselect a new different tab from the long tab list
You can seamlessly switch tabs to share without complicated operations. However, not all web apps can handle this behavior, and
When getDisplayMedia() is called, the browser offers the user a choice of surfaces (tabs, windows, monitors). At this point, if you want the user to be more likely to choose a particular surface type, you can use the displaySurface constraint to hint the browser from your web app.

◆ Enabling HEVC hardware decoding
Enables support for hardware decoding of HEVC videos on platforms where hardware (GPUs, media accelerators, etc.) for decoding
◆Form rel attribute
Add a rel attribute to your form element. This attribute prevents window.opener from being passed to websites navigated by form elements with 'rel=noopener', or prevents referrer headers from being sent with 'rel=noreferrer'. It is intended to be used for prevention.
◆ Interpolation function of grid-template property
In CSS Grid Layout , the grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows properties allow the developer to define the line names and track the size of the grid's columns and rows. This upgrade supports the interpolation function for these properties, allowing smooth transitions without snapping at the midpoints of animations and transitions. As a result, it can be expected that the expressive power of web applications will become richer.
◆ Resource rendering block state
Add a field to PerformanceResourceTiming that indicates the render blocking state of the resource. Until now, developers had to rely on heuristics to determine which resources were in a render-blocking state and which were not. You will be able to receive signals directly from the browser about the state.

◆ ignoreCase option of URLPattern
Many client-side JavaScript frameworks now use case-insensitive URL matching. However, URLPattern obeys URL semantics and is therefore case-sensitive in many parts of the URL. Therefore, by adding the 'ignoreCase' option to URLPattern and enabling it, it is possible to switch to match all specified patterns in a case-insensitive manner.
◆ Deprecation
With this update, the following features have been deemed obsolete and deprecated.
・Expect-CT : An HTTP header that allows websites to request Certificate Transparency (CT) enforcement
◆ Origin Trial
Starting with this update, the following features are included in the Origin Trial .
・Declarative PendingBeacon API : Improved reliability of beacon transmission
・Permissions-Policy: unload : You can disable execution of the unload event handler
In addition, 'Google Chrome 107' includes 14 security bug fixes .
The next stable version of 'Google Chrome 108' is scheduled to be released on November 29, 2022, local time.
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in Software, Posted by log1c_sh