Claims that Facebook is encrypting links against the browser's 'feature to remove URL tracking parameters'

Website URLs may have parameters to track user information, but there are many web extensions that automatically remove them, and the web browser Firefox will also be on June 28, 2022. Officially, we have added a function to automatically delete parameters. Facebook is reportedly beginning to encrypt its parameters to counter these features.

Ask HN: What is with the new URLs on | Hacker News

A list of characters starting with '? Fbclid' may be added to the end of the URL of Facebook posts and advertisements, which served as a query parameter for tracking information.

However, the parameter that started with '? Fbclid' at the time of article creation has disappeared, and it is now a string that starts with 'pfbid' along with the unique URL of the post. For example, the post of an article with GIGAZINE is like ''.

It has been confirmed that different users may have different strings starting with 'pfbid', and the social site Hacker News states that 'Facebook has started using URLs that appear to contain encoded information.' Threads have been set up and discussions have been held. Some say, 'Is it a violation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?', While others say , 'Is it just a change in the URL format?'

in Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr