Imgur new function "Project GIFV" that can convert GIF file to MP4 automatically and load it at high speed
The image sharing site's "Imgur"Converts the uploaded animation GIF file into MP4 movie called gifv format"Project GIFV"It was started. Because gifv format MP4 movies are dramatically smaller in file size than animated GIF files, loading on websites and blogs will load much faster than before.
Introducing GIFV - Imgur Blog

GIF files uploaded to Imgur will automatically be converted to MP4 movies in gifv format, but when you embed gifv format files in HTML5 on sites or blogs looks exactly the same as GIF files. Moreover, since the file size is smaller than the GIF file, loading becomes considerably faster.
So I will embed the following gifv format file actually uploaded to Imgur in this article. To generate embedded tags click "Get embed codes" under the movie.

Since a link or a direct link to the page is displayed on the right side of the screen, click the icon directly under HTML (website / blogs) and copy the tag.

The copied tag is pasted and embedded below. Even though it is reading faster than the animated GIF, the appearance is completely the same as the animated GIF.
Project GIFV is very simple but a new feature thanks to users. Twitter also posts a GIF file and converts it to MP4 and displays it, and the GIF animation that has been used for a long time may finally give its role backwards.
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in Web Service, Video, Posted by darkhorse_log