ProtonMail, which sells for thorough privacy protection, removes the sentence 'Does not keep IP logs' from the website

ProtonMail removed “we do not keep any IP logs” from its privacy policy | Ars Technica
Switzerland-based ProtonMail is an email service that sells privacy security. So far, ProtonMail has stated in its privacy policy that it 'does not record IP addresses', but in May 2021, ProtonMail made a big ripple when it passed the IP address of a specific person to the Swiss police.
In response, ProtonMail CEO Andy Yen explained that 'only when there is a legal order from the Swiss authorities, we will record the IP address of a specific account.' We've revealed details about how ProtonMail handles user information and who to give it to when instructed to do so.
Explanation about the case where privacy-oriented mail service 'ProtonMail' discloses data at the request of the government --GIGAZINE

In this explanation, Yen promised to update ProtonMail's website to clarify ProtonMail's obligations in the event of criminal prosecution, but in fact September 8, 2021 The website was confirmed to be updated.
Below is the archive of the ProtonMail website before the change. At 'Anonymous Email' on the top page ...
'In the default state, we do not keep any IP logs associated with your anonymous email account.'

However , as of September 8, 2021, this text was replaced by 'ProtonMail is an email that respects privacy and puts people first (not advertisers).'

The privacy policy has also changed. In the 'IP Logging' section, 'If you violate Swiss law, ProtonMail may be legally required to record your IP address as part of a Swiss criminal investigation. The obligation does not apply to ProtonVPN. '

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