The 'Data Security' section is now available on the Google Play Store

Google has announced that it has added a ' Data safety ' section to
Get more information about your apps in Google Play
Android's app store privacy section starts rolling out today | Ars Technica
The Data Security section has been added to the Google Play app store page as follows:

The Data Security section is required to list 'what data we are collecting,' 'why we are collecting it,' and 'who we are sharing with.' In addition, the types of data collected such as location information, personal information, financial information, web browsing history, contacts, and various file formats are also listed. In addition, the developer must indicate whether the data transfer is encrypted, whether the user can request deletion of the collected data, and so on.

Google also says that it can show whether the app is verified by the Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS), which is a global security standard. According to Ars Technica, an IT news site, you can ask a Google Authorized Lab partner to verify MASVS by paying $ 3,000 to $ 6,000. In this verification, the implementation status of application encryption, vulnerability check, permission request check, etc. are performed.
The 'Data Security' section will be visible to users from April 27, 2022, but some may not have been filled out by the developer at the time of writing the article. Google is urging developers to fill out the 'Data Security' section by July 20th.
Google says, 'It's the developer's responsibility to fill out the complete and accurate data safety section of the Google Play app store. Google Play reviews the app across all policy requirements, but the developer. We cannot determine how to handle user data on your behalf. Only you have all the information you need to fill out the Data Safety form. Between the behavior of the app and the section. We may take appropriate action, including coercive action, if we become aware of any discrepancies. '
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in Mobile, Software, Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk