What are the five benefits you can enjoy during summer time?

In March 2022, a bill to 'permanent daylight saving time' passed unanimously in the Senate of Congress in the United States. Professor Steve Carandillo of the University of Washington, USA, who specializes in health and safety-related regulatory laws, explains what the benefits of summertime can be in the first place.

5 ways Americans' lives will change if Congress makes daylight saving time permanent


On March 16, 2022, the 'Sunshine Protection Act', which makes daylight saving time permanent in the United States, received a full vote in the Senate of Parliament. Until now, in the United States, the practice of advancing the hands of the clock by one hour at 2:00 am on the second Sunday of March to daylight saving time and returning it by one hour at 2:00 pm on the first Sunday of November to standard time has been continued. According to the law, summer time will be made permanent through the process of 'after setting summer time, do not return to standard time' in 2023.

'Bill to make daylight saving time permanent' unanimously passed the US Senate-GIGAZINE

As of April 2022, this bill is under consideration at hearings in the House of Representatives. Professor Carandiro explains that there are 'five merits' about the permanentization of daylight saving time in such a whirlpool.

◆ 1: Reduced traffic accidents
If the clock advances by one hour during daylight saving time, the activity time of the person will be delayed by one hour. Professor Calandiro explains that this activity time is a morning type, 'it has the effect of reducing traffic accidents.'

According to Professor Carandiro, the mortality rate will be higher due to the fact that there will be more traffic after sunset, the number of drunk people will increase at night, and the visibility will be impaired by the darkness. The following is the 'number of fatal accidents per hour' tabulated in the United States in 2016, and each bar graph is the result of tabulating from 0:00 to 24:00 every 3 hours in order from the left. Looking at this graph, we can see that the number of deaths is low during the morning hours when the number of activities is expected to increase due to daylight saving time, and the number of deaths is high after sunset when the number of activities is expected to decrease. ..

◆ 2: Crime is reduced
There are so many criminals who like darkness, and a 2013

study in the United Kingdom found that installing streetlights to brighten the streets reduced crime rates by up to 20%. According to the 2016 American White Paper on Crime, young people under the age of 18 (blue graph) peak their crime rate around 15:00, and adults over the age of 18 peak their crime rate at 21:00. increase.

◆ 3: Leads to energy savings
In the first place, the United States and Germany introduced daylight saving time for the purpose of saving resources. Regarding this point, Professor Carilandro explained, 'Although the electricity used for cooling in the summer will increase, the electricity used for lighting and the oil and gas used for heating can be reduced,' and in fact, during the first oil crisis in 1973, the United States Says that summertime has saved 150,000 barrels of oil.

In the discussion on the Sunshine Protection Law, if the daylight saving time was made permanent in 2012 and the daylight saving time was continued for 10 years, the energy equivalent to 4 billion dollars (about 510 billion yen) and 1080 million tons of carbon dioxide Survey results have been reported that emissions could have been reduced.

◆ 4: Sleep is improved
Daylight saving time is to 'advance the clock by one hour in the summer and return it to the winter', but there are research results that the act of moving the clock forward and backward has an adverse effect on sleep.

American Academy of Sleep Medicine announces 'Request for abolition of daylight saving time' in a statement that daylight saving time is harmful to health --GIGAZINE

In fact, in the United States, not only is it known that the number of heart attacks will increase by 24% the week after the clock is advanced by one hour, but according to Professor Carandiro, American stock indexes such as NASDAQ and S & P500 are It has been confirmed that the stock price tends to have a negative return the week after the time change, and it is thought that this decline in stock prices is due to worsening sleep due to daylight saving time.

◆ 5: Entertainment is activated
Activities such as recreation and shopping are mainly done during the sunrise hours, so it is expected that these activities will be activated during daylight saving time. In fact, the American Chamber of Commerce and outdoor recreation-related groups are in favor of making daylight savings time permanent, and it is reported that they want to recover their distant customers due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection.

As mentioned above, there are various merits in making daylight saving time permanent, but according to Professor Carandiro, there are also disadvantages. According to research, there are research results that sleep disorders increase with summer time and that the risk of cancer is higher when the sunshine time is longer, but regarding the risk of cancer, styles such as diet and exercise depending on summer time 'It's important to weigh the risks and benefits,' said Professor Calandiro, who said that changes could be part of the cause.

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