Concern is confused by the change in 2019 as soon as the EU turns to the abolition of daylight saving time

The European Commission of the European Union proposed to abolish the daylight savings time system adopted within the EU. With this, the EU citizens are likely to be released from the custom of moving clock hands twice a year.
EU to stop changing the clocks in 2019 | News | DW | 14.09.2018
No more seasonal clock changes after October 2019. This ambitious timeline will allow European citizens to reap the benefits without delay. I'm inviting @ Europarl_EN & @ EUCouncil to start work right away. # Clockchange # SOTEU / D 8te 0 w 6 w CL
- Violeta Bulc (@ Bulc_EU) September 14, 2018
According to the EU Law, the EU in which daylight saving time has been introduced has been practiced in 28 countries "one hour earlier in time in the last Sunday in March and one hour later in October" . However, in recent years, the theory of abolishing summer time has risen.

That is because unnecessary issues have been rolling up from EU citizens.

In the EU, interviews with citizens were conducted to think about whether to abolish daylight saving time.
"Summer time is really necessary?" Public opinion survey is started in the EU - GIGAZINE

As more than 4.6 million opinions were flooded, we can see that the interest of the citizens was high concerning the pros and cons of daylight saving time system. And the overwhelming majority, 84% of the total, gave "opposite" opinion.

Many of the EU citizens have concluded that "summer time is unnecessary" because there is almost no merit that can be obtained compared with the disadvantage such as poor physical condition due to daylight saving time or troublesome change of time in the first place. In response to this result, the European Commission officially proposed to the European Parliament to abolish the daylight saving time system.

The reason is "Summertime, which began with energy conservation measures that have emerged during the First World War, World War II and oil shocks, is the latest research that the contribution to energy conservation is limited and obviously obsolete It was mentioned that it was ".

The time when the European Commission recommended to abolish daylight saving time is from October 2019. Despite the system that affects 28 countries, we recommend to abolish promptly one year later.

In response to the simple question of "to summarize either daylight saving time or winter time" as abolishing daylight saving time ... ...

It is a stance called "leave it to each country". For this reason, within the EU region, it is likely that a time difference of up to 2 hours will be created within the time zone defined based on longitude.

By the way, Britain, the criteria for the time zone, is planning to leave the EU on March 29, 2019, and it is reported that the possibility of maintaining summer time in future despite the recommendations of the European Commission.

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